Retro Computing Journey: Testing Intel DX4 100 Chip on Gateway Motherboard

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Retro Computing Journey: Testing Intel DX4 100 Chip on Gateway Motherboard

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Gateway Motherboard
  3. testing the Intel Chip
  4. The Intel DX4 100 Chip
  5. Unboxing and Setup
  6. BIOS Settings and Configuration
  7. Benchmarking and Performance
  8. Gaming on the Motherboard
  9. Overclocking the Chip
  10. Conclusion


Hey there everyone! It's 2021, and you know what that means - time for another exciting build! In this video, we'll be diving into the world of retro computing by exploring a 1995 Gateway motherboard with an Intel DX4 100 chip. We'll test its compatibility and performance, and I'll be sharing my thoughts and experiences along the way. Let's get started on this journey back in time and see what this little piece of tech can do!

The Gateway Motherboard

Before we jump into testing, let's take a closer look at the Gateway motherboard we'll be working with. This specific model features an Intel chip, and we'll be putting it to the test to see if it lives up to expectations. We also have another similar motherboard for comparison, but this one stands out due to its on-board IDE connectors and cache chip memory. Both motherboards are equipped with 256K of cache, and we'll soon find out how well they perform.

Testing the Intel Chip

Now comes the exciting part - testing the Intel DX4 100 chip on our Gateway motherboard. This chip, with its impressive specifications, promises to deliver exceptional performance. I've chosen this particular variant over others for its reliability and compatibility. While I have had mixed experiences with right back cache in the past, I'm keeping my hopes high for this build. Let's dive in and see what this chip can truly do!

The Intel DX4 100 Chip

Before we delve deeper into our benchmarking and gaming Sessions, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the Intel DX4 100 chip. Despite its age of 27 years, this chip looks brand new with its shiny exterior. And while it may not be anti-static, it still holds a certain Charm and nostalgia. With this chip in our hands, we can't wait to see what kind of performance it will deliver once we fire up the motherboard.

Unboxing and Setup

Alright, it's time to get our hands dirty and set up this build. We'll start by unboxing the motherboard and ensuring we have everything we need for a smooth setup. From power supply connections to the placement of the processor, we'll go through each step carefully. We'll also take a moment to connect other essential components like the keyboard and mouse. Once everything is in place, it's time to power on and see if all our efforts have paid off.

BIOS Settings and Configuration

With the motherboard powered on, we'll access the BIOS settings to configure our system. This step is crucial to ensure optimal performance and compatibility. We'll explore options like the CPU multiplier, cache settings, and memory configurations. Additionally, we'll address any issues related to the detection of devices such as the hard drive and CD-ROM. Armed with the right settings, we'll be ready to push our build to its limits.

Benchmarking and Performance

Now that our setup is complete, it's time to put our build to the test. We'll run various benchmarks to gauge its performance and determine how well it handles different tasks. From CPU-intensive tests to graphics benchmarks, we'll assess its capabilities across different areas. We'll keep an eye on metrics like frame rates, cache performance, and overall system stability. By the end of this section, we'll have a clear understanding of how our build stacks up against modern standards.

Gaming on the Motherboard

No build is complete without testing its gaming capabilities, and ours is no exception. We'll load up popular retro games and see how well our build handles them. From classics like Descent to Timeless favorites like Warcraft II, we'll immerse ourselves in the nostalgia of gaming on this vintage system. We'll assess frame rates, graphics quality, and overall gameplay experience. Get ready for a trip down Memory Lane as we explore gaming on our retro motherboard.

Overclocking the Chip

For those willing to push their hardware to the limit, overclocking is an exciting endeavor. In this section, we'll explore the possibilities of overclocking our Intel DX4 100 chip. While this motherboard officially supports up to a 33-bus speed, we'll tinker with the settings and see if we can squeeze out some extra performance. We'll discuss the risks involved and the potential gains that come with overclocking. Get ready for some serious tweaking as we take our build to the next level.


After a thorough exploration of our build, it's time to wrap things up and draw our conclusions. We've tested the Gateway motherboard, scrutinized the Intel DX4 100 chip, and put them through their paces in benchmarking and gaming sessions. We've uncovered the pros and cons of this retro system, experienced the joy of nostalgia, and pushed the boundaries of performance. Join us in our final thoughts and reflections as we bid farewell to this journey into the world of retro computing.


  • Testing the performance of a 1995 Gateway motherboard with an Intel DX4 100 chip
  • Unboxing and setting up the build with attention to BIOS configurations
  • Benchmarking the system's performance in various areas, including gaming and graphics
  • Exploring the possibilities of overclocking the Intel DX4 100 chip
  • Reflecting on the journey and drawing conclusions about the retro build's capabilities and limitations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: Can I overclock the Intel DX4 100 chip on the Gateway motherboard? A: Yes, overclocking is possible with this chip. However, it is essential to understand the risks involved and carefully adjust the settings to ensure system stability.

Q: How does the Gateway motherboard compare to other similar retro motherboards? A: While the Gateway motherboard shows promising performance and compatibility, it's crucial to compare it with other options to determine its strengths and weaknesses.

Q: Can I upgrade the memory on the Gateway motherboard? A: Yes, it is possible to upgrade the memory on the Gateway motherboard, provided it is compatible with the board's specifications. Refer to the motherboard's documentation for specific details.

Q: Does the Gateway motherboard support modern peripherals? A: The Gateway motherboard is designed to work with legacy hardware and peripherals. However, compatibility with modern devices may be limited, so it's best to check the specifications and experiment with different configurations.

Q: Are there any known issues or limitations with the Gateway motherboard and Intel DX4 100 chip? A: While the Gateway motherboard and Intel DX4 100 chip offer impressive performance, it is essential to be aware of potential limitations such as cache settings and compatibility with certain software or games. It's recommended to explore user forums and resources for additional insights and solutions.

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