Supercharge Your Debian Bullseye with DK Window Manager

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Supercharge Your Debian Bullseye with DK Window Manager

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Confession of a Linux User
  3. Discovering the DK Window Manager
  4. Initial Setup on Debian Bullseye
    • Changing Kernel to Debian Sid
    • Installing Essential Packages
    • Configuring Appearance and Fonts
    • Setting up LightDM
    • Installing DK and DK Configuration
      • Creating Workspaces
      • Modifying Layouts and Keybindings
      • Customizing the bar with Polybar
  5. Conclusion

Confession of a Linux User

Howdy, folks! Welcome back to my Channel. I'm Drew, the Linux enthusiast from YouTube. Today, I have a little confession to make. You see, I got a bit carried away with experimenting on my production machine after discovering the Q tile Tutorial. I couldn't resist the temptation and ended up mixing packages from different Debian versions. As a result, my beloved BSPWM and regular production setup took a nosedive. It's completely my fault for tinkering too much. Now, I have to start from scratch and wipe out everything. But fear not, I've come across an amazing solution during my laptop usage - the DK Window Manager.

Discovering the DK Window Manager

Recently, I've been watching the incredible Jake at Linux, who has switched over to using the DK Window Manager. Let me tell you, it looks fantastic! It incorporates the best features of dwm and BSPWM, which is right up my alley. Plus, it doesn't heavily rely on Python, which is a major win in my book. Therefore, I've decided to give it a go on a test machine running Debian 11.7, the latest version of Bullseye. As the release of Bookworm (Debian 12) is just around the corner, I'll stick with the stable Bullseye for now and update to Bookworm once it's stable.

Initial Setup on Debian Bullseye

To kick things off, I need to make a few changes to the Debian Bullseye setup. First and foremost, I'll update the kernel to Debian Sid. This will ensure compatibility with DK and provide access to the latest features. Next, I'll install essential packages such as Xorg, dialogue, M tools, dos FS tools, avahi daemon, and more. These packages lay the foundation for installing any window manager, including DK. Additionally, I'll configure the appearance by installing LX Appearance, Neofetch, and various fonts like Font Awesome and Ubuntu.

Once the basics are set, I'll proceed with setting up LightDM as the display manager. LightDM allows for a smooth login experience and easy session management. Next, comes the moment we've all been waiting for - installing DK and configuring it to our liking. Each DK workspace can be customized with different layouts, keybindings, and even a bar using Polybar.

Changing Kernel to Debian Sid

To update the kernel, I'll modify the /etc/apt/sources.list file to include the Debian Sid repository. This will enable the installation of packages from the unstable branch, such as the latest kernel version. With a single line change, I can prioritize the Sid repository over the Bullseye repository to ensure I only get the desired updates.

Installing Essential Packages

With the updated kernel in place, it's time to install the necessary packages for DK. This includes dependencies like build-essential, sxhkd, pycon, rofi, dunst, Genie, and libnotify-bin. Additionally, I'll install BSPWM, as DK is heavily influenced by it. Although I won't be using BSPWM during this setup, having it installed can come in handy later.

Configuring Appearance and Fonts

To make the DK environment visually appealing, I'll install LX Appearance to manage themes and Neofetch to display system information. Furthermore, I'll enhance the Font selection by adding Font Awesome, Error Code, and Liberation fonts. These fonts will ensure a pleasant reading experience and overall aesthetics.

Setting up LightDM

LightDM plays a crucial role in managing the login and session processes. By enabling LightDM and configuring it to start on boot, I can seamlessly log in and begin using DK. Additionally, I'll enable Avahi Daemon for smoother network communication and detection.

Installing DK and DK Configuration

Alright, it's time to unveil the star of the show - DK! After installing it using the script, I'll copy the necessary configuration files to the appropriate locations. The DKRC file allows for customization of workspaces, layouts, and keybindings, while the SXHKDRC file manages keyboard shortcuts. These files can be modified to match personal preferences, ensuring a smooth workflow within DK.


In conclusion, I must say that my encounter with the DK Window Manager has been nothing short of amazing. Its combination of dwm and BSPWM features, along with the ability to customize every aspect, has truly won me over. The initial setup on Debian Bullseye was a breeze, thanks to the straightforward installation process and comprehensive documentation. With DK and Polybar in place, my productivity and enjoyment of the Linux desktop environment have reached new heights. I'm excited to further explore the possibilities of DK and share my experiences with the Linux community. Stay tuned for more updates, and remember to embrace new technologies fearlessly! 🐧


  • DK Window Manager: The Perfect Blend of dwm and BSPWM
  • Easy Setup on Debian Bullseye: Changing Kernel, Installing Essential Packages, and Configuring Appearance
  • Customizable Workspaces, Layouts, and Keybindings in DK
  • Enhancing the Experience with Polybar: Adding a Sleek Bar to DK
  • Seamless Integration with LightDM: Effortless Login and Session Management
  • The Delightful Fusion of Modularity and Simplicity in DK


Q: Can I use DK Window Manager on distributions other than Debian Bullseye?

A: While DK was initially developed for Debian Bullseye, it can also be ported to other Linux distributions with some modifications. However, it's recommended to follow the official documentation and make any necessary adjustments for optimal performance.

Q: Is DK suitable for users new to the Linux ecosystem?

A: DK offers a unique user experience and may require some familiarity with window managers and customization. It's best suited for intermediate to advanced users who enjoy tinkering with their desktop environment.

Q: Can I switch back to my previous window manager after trying DK?

A: Absolutely! DK is designed to be flexible and allows users to switch between different window managers seamlessly. You can easily revert to your previous setup if DK doesn't meet your needs or preferences.

Q: What are the advantages of using LightDM as the display manager?

A: LightDM is known for its simplicity, speed, and wide compatibility with a variety of Linux distributions. It provides a user-friendly login screen, supports multiple desktop environments, and offers easy customization options.

Q: Can I use a different bar instead of Polybar with DK?

A: Yes, DK is compatible with various status bars, including Polybar, Lemonbar, and i3bar. You can choose the one that suits your aesthetic preferences and workflow requirements.


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