Ultimate Laptop Buying Guide for VLSI Design Projects

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Ultimate Laptop Buying Guide for VLSI Design Projects

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Apple Laptops 2.1 Pros 2.2 Cons
  3. Windows Laptops 3.1 Pros 3.2 Cons
  4. Choosing the Right Laptop 4.1 Considerations for EDS Tools 4.2 Linux Environment Options 4.2.1 Dual Boot System 4.2.2 Virtual Machine 4.2.3 Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  5. Factors to Consider Before Buying a Laptop 5.1 Memory (RAM) 5.1.1 Upgradability 5.2 Solid State Disk (SSD) 5.3 Processor 5.4 Display Size 5.5 Dedicated Graphics Card 5.6 Operating System
  6. Budget-Oriented Laptop Options

Choosing the Right Laptop for EDS Tools

Hey guys, welcome back! If you're looking to buy a laptop that can run EDS tools perfectly, you've come to the right place. In this video, I'll help you decide between Apple and Windows laptops, and give you some tips on choosing the right laptop for your needs. Let's dive in!

Apple Laptops

When it comes to Apple laptops, I must admit that I don't have much knowledge, but they are known for their high costs. The latest M1 processor is said to be able to run anything smoothly, but I suggest doing your own research before making a decision. While Apple laptops offer great performance, they are expensive compared to Windows laptops.


  • High performance
  • Smooth running of EDS tools
  • Reliable hardware


  • Expensive
  • Limited options for customization and upgradability

Windows Laptops

In my opinion, Windows laptops are a better choice for most users due to their affordability. You can save a lot of money by opting for a Windows laptop instead of an Apple one. Now, let's discuss how to decide which Windows laptop to buy for running EDS tools effectively.


  • More affordable compared to Apple laptops
  • Wide range of options available
  • Great for customization and upgradability


  • Performance may vary depending on the brand and model

Choosing the Right Laptop

Buying a laptop requires careful consideration, especially for running EDS tools. Here are some factors to keep in mind when making your decision.

Considerations for EDS Tools

If you're using EDS tools, you'll need a Linux environment. There are three options available for running Linux on a Windows system:

  1. Dual Boot System: This allows you to choose between Windows and Linux when starting your laptop. It provides the best performance but can be complex to set up and remove.
  2. Virtual Machine: You can run Linux within a virtual machine on your Windows system. This option is easier to set up but requires a powerful system capable of running two operating systems simultaneously.
  3. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): This lightweight and easy-to-use option is recommended for most users as it provides a seamless Linux experience on a Windows system.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Laptop

Here are the key factors to consider when choosing a laptop for EDS tools:

Memory (RAM)

Ideally, you should look for a laptop with at least 8GB of RAM. If you're on a tight budget, a 4GB RAM laptop can suffice, but ensure that it can be upgraded in the future if needed. Some operations may require more RAM, which can limit your productivity.

Solid State Disk (SSD)

Opt for a laptop with a solid-state disk (SSD), preferably 256GB or 512GB in size. An SSD provides faster boot times and improves overall system responsiveness during EDS tasks.


For optimal performance, consider a laptop with an Intel i3 or i5 11th generation processor. If you can find one with a 12th generation processor, even better! Alternatively, an AMD Ryzen 3 or Ryzen 5, preferably from the 5000 series or 4000 series, can also meet your requirements.

Display Size

A 15.6-inch display is recommended for EDS tasks. This size allows for comfortable viewing and working on layouts, schematics, and coding. However, if you plan to use an external monitor, a 13.3-inch or 14-inch laptop can be a more portable option.

Dedicated Graphics Card

A dedicated graphics card is not necessary for EDS tasks, as the in-built graphics card is generally sufficient. Unless you plan to play games or perform graphics-intensive tasks, you can save money by opting for a laptop without a dedicated graphics card.

Operating System

If you're primarily using Linux for EDS tasks, consider buying a laptop that comes with a Linux or DOS version, rather than paying extra for a Windows operating system. Linux is more suitable for EDS work and will help you develop proficiency in using Linux commands, which are commonly used in the industry.

Budget-Oriented Laptop Options

If you're on a tight budget, I have provided links in the description to budget-oriented laptops in different price ranges. You can compare the prices and specifications to find the best laptop that meets your needs.

In conclusion, when buying a laptop for running EDS tools, consider your budget, the required specifications, and choose between Apple and Windows laptops. Remember to prioritize factors such as memory, SSD, processor, display size, and operating system. Take advantage of the options available to save money without compromising on performance. Good luck with your laptop hunt!


  • Apple laptops offer high performance but come with a higher price tag.
  • Windows laptops are more affordable and provide better customization options.
  • Considerations for EDS tools include the Linux environment, such as dual boot, virtual machine, or WSL.
  • Factors to consider when choosing a laptop include memory, SSD, processor, display size, and the presence of a dedicated graphics card.
  • Opting for a Linux or DOS version can save money if you primarily use Linux for EDS tasks.
  • Budget-oriented laptop options are available for different price ranges.
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