Unboxing the Legendary Pentium Pro Haul of 2018!

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Unboxing the Legendary Pentium Pro Haul of 2018!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Pentium Pro Hall of 2018
  3. The Journey to Chicago
  4. The Discord Channel
  5. Unboxing the Goodies
  6. The Pristine Forty-Six Board
  7. The Pentium Pro Motherboard
  8. The VLB Video Card
  9. Other Assorted Drivers and Cables
  10. The Low Prices and Community Impact
  11. Conclusion

😃 Introduction

In early October 2018, something extraordinary happened in the world of computer enthusiasts. A basement full of computers, parts, and server equipment, most notably Pentium Pro related items, went up for sale near Chicago at incredibly low prices. Retro enthusiasts Lucky Bob and Lik Matrix seized the opportunity and quickly traveled over 1600 kilometers to secure this rare collection before anyone else could. This article delves into their journey, the treasures they uncovered, and the impact it had on the retro enthusiast community.

🚀 The Pentium Pro Hall of 2018

The Pentium Pro Hall of 2018 became the talk of the town among retro computer enthusiasts. Pentium Pros, known for their scarcity and high demand, were the main attraction in this collection. Retro enthusiasts from all over flocked to the basement to get their hands on these coveted pieces of computing history. The appeal of the Pentium Pro processors lies in their impressive performance and the nostalgia they Evoke for a bygone era in computing.

🛣️ The Journey to Chicago

The journey to acquire the Pentium Pro collection was not an easy one. Lucky Bob and Lik Matrix embarked on a long and arduous trip, covering over 1600 kilometers, to reach the basement near Chicago. Their mission was to secure the collection before anyone else could. Originally planning to pick up the items on a Saturday, they discovered that the seller wanted everything gone by Friday. With the clock ticking, they hurriedly gathered everything they could, managing to save a vast array of retro materials from ending up in the hands of scrap collectors.

💬 The Discord Channel

To share their newly acquired treasures with the retro enthusiast community, Lucky Bob and Lik Matrix created a Discord channel exclusively for a select group of individuals. This channel served as a platform to offer these previously elusive items at ultra-low prices. Their aim was to counter the rising and often exorbitant prices of 90s-era computer components that were being listed elsewhere. By introducing fresh material into the market at affordable rates, they provided a much-needed service to the retro enthusiast community.

📦 Unboxing the Goodies

The moment of truth arrived as Lucky Bob received his Package of the Pentium Pro Hall of 2018. As he eagerly tore open the box, he was met with layers of Bubble wrap instead of the dreaded packing peanuts. Expressing gratitude for this considerate packing choice, he delved deeper into the package. With anticipation building up, he uncovered a bag filled with various miscellaneous goodies.

The Pristine Forty-Six Board

Buried within the plethora of items was the treasure Lucky Bob had eagerly anticipated - the pristine forty-six motherboard. This fully populated cache board boasted three PCI slots, four ISA slots, and rare 80 form factor support. Equipped with a coin cell battery, this motherboard was immaculate, without the frustrating battery leakage that had plagued other boards in Lucky Bob's possession. The quality and condition of this board were truly remarkable, especially considering the price Lucky Bob had paid.

The Pentium Pro Motherboard

However, the true gem of the collection was the Pentium Pro motherboard. Sporting a Pangaea Pro processor clocked at 200 megahertz with 512 kilobytes of cache, this massive board was a sight to behold. Its impeccable condition and dallas chip for timekeeping gave Lucky Bob confidence in its longevity. This Pentium Pro motherboard was a testament to the dedication of collectors like Lik Matrix, who aimed to place these valuable pieces in the hands of passionate enthusiasts.

The VLB Video Card

Among the assortment of drivers and cables, Lucky Bob discovered an intriguing VLB video card. Manufactured by Oak and utilizing Cirrus Logic technology, this card piqued his Curiosity. With zero prior experience with VLB equipment, Lucky Bob couldn't wait to give this card a test run. The inclusion of this unique video card in the collection added further value and excitement to Lucky Bob's haul.

Other Assorted Drivers and Cables

As Lucky Bob continued unboxing, he uncovered a myriad of other items. These included different controller cards, wires, risers, and a keyboard lock key. The package also contained driver software and manuals for various components, allowing Lucky Bob to build an extensive collection of drivers and resources. This comprehensive assortment of drivers and cables served as a valuable addition to his retro computing arsenal.

The Low Prices and Community Impact

The low prices offered by Lik Matrix and Lucky Bob through their Discord channel had a significant impact on the retro enthusiast community. By providing access to coveted retro computer components at affordable rates, they ensured that passionate collectors and enthusiasts could continue pursuing their hobbies and expand their collections without facing exorbitant price barriers. Lik Matrix's commitment to recouping costs through subsequent sales on platforms like eBay demonstrated his dedication to keeping prices low and maintaining a vibrant retro enthusiast ecosystem.

🎉 Conclusion

The Pentium Pro Hall of 2018 represented a pivotal moment in the world of retro computer collecting. Lucky Bob and Lik Matrix's journey to secure this rare collection near Chicago and their subsequent efforts to make these items accessible to the community showcased their profound dedication to the hobby. The impact of their low prices and fresh material injection into the market has had a lasting effect on retro enthusiasts worldwide. This Memorable experience and the camaraderie within the retro computer community serve as a testament to the enduring spirit of preservation and passion for technology.


  • Rare Pentium Pro collection discovered in a basement near Chicago
  • Retro enthusiasts Lucky Bob and Lik Matrix embark on a journey to secure the collection
  • A Discord channel created to share the treasures at low prices
  • The unboxing reveals a pristine forty-six board and a Pentium Pro motherboard
  • Additional treasures include a VLB video card and an assortment of drivers and cables
  • The low prices offered by Lik Matrix and Lucky Bob have a significant impact on the retro enthusiast community
  • A testament to the passion and dedication of collectors in preserving technology history


Q: How did Lucky Bob and Lik Matrix manage to secure the Pentium Pro collection at such low prices?
A: They traveled over 1600 kilometers to the basement near Chicago and acquired the items before anyone else could. They then created a Discord channel to offer the collection at ultra-low prices, aiming to counter rising prices of retro material from the 90s.

Q: What was the most significant item in the Pentium Pro collection?
A: The most significant item was the Pentium Pro motherboard, featuring a Pangaea Pro processor clocked at 200 megahertz and 512 kilobytes of cache. The pristine condition and low price made it a prized possession for retro enthusiasts.

Q: How did the low prices offered by Lik Matrix and Lucky Bob impact the retro enthusiast community?
A: The low prices ensured that passionate collectors and enthusiasts could continue expanding their collections without facing exorbitant price barriers. Lik Matrix's commitment to keeping prices low and recouping costs through subsequent sales on platforms like eBay further facilitated affordable access to retro computer components.

Q: What were some of the other items included in the collection?
A: The collection contained a variety of items, including a VLB video card, assorted drivers and cables, a fully populated forty-six motherboard, and a keyboard lock key, among others. These items added value to the overall collection and provided enthusiasts with a diverse range of components to explore.

Q: How has the Pentium Pro Hall of 2018 impacted the retro computer collecting community?
A: The Pentium Pro Hall of 2018 signifies a pivotal moment in retro computer collecting, showcasing the dedication of collectors and the enduring passion for preserving technology history. The camaraderie within the community and the availability of affordable components have fostered a vibrant ecosystem for retro enthusiasts worldwide.

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