Unlocking the Secrets of Intel 8085 Microprocessor Architecture

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Unlocking the Secrets of Intel 8085 Microprocessor Architecture

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Intel 8085 Microprocessor 1.1 The History of Intel 8085 1.2 Importance of Studying 8085 Architecture
  2. Technical Features of Intel 8085 Microprocessor 2.1 8-bit Processor with 40 Pins 2.2 Power Supply and Execution Speed 2.3 Data Bus and Address Bus 2.4 Program Counter and Stack Pointer Registers 2.5 General Purpose Registers 2.6 Software and Hardware Interrupts
  3. Functional Units of Intel 8085 Microprocessor 3.1 Memory Unit or Register Unit 3.1.1 General Purpose Registers 3.1.2 Special Purpose Registers 3.2 Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) 3.3 Instruction Decoder and Machine Cycle Encoder Unit 3.4 Timing and Control Unit 3.5 Interrupts and Serial Communication Unit
  4. Understanding How Microprocessor Works 4.1 The Role of Microprocessor in a Computer System 4.2 Instruction Cycle and Fetch-Decode-Execute Operation
  5. Microprocessor Architecture Simplified 5.1 Layout and Design of Microprocessor Components 5.2 Interaction Between Functional Units
  6. Importance of Timing and Control Unit 6.1 Role of Clock Signals in Synchronizing CPU Operations 6.2 Control Signals and Their Impact on Hardware Devices
  7. Software and Hardware Interrupts in 8085 Microprocessor 7.1 Definition and Classification of Interrupts 7.2 Interrupt Types and Parameters
  8. Bus Architecture and Bus Interface 8.1 Communication Channels for Data, Address, and Control Signals 8.2 Address Bus and Data Bus Functionality 8.3 Control Bus and Its Role in Transferring Control Signals

Introduction to Intel 8085 Microprocessor

The Intel 8085 microprocessor, launched by Intel Corporation in 1976, is a significant 8-bit processor that laid the foundation for subsequent processors with 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit architectures. It has been commercially successful and is still used in various devices. Understanding the 8085 architecture is crucial for computer science students as it provides foundational concepts required to comprehend microprocessor architectures and how CPUs function. In this video Tutorial, we will delve into the details of the Intel 8085 microprocessor architecture, its functional units, and technical features.

Technical Features of Intel 8085 Microprocessor

The Intel 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit processor with 40 pins, operating on a 5-volt supply. It offers variants with execution speeds of 3.5 and 6 megahertz. The 8085 has an 8-bit data bus and a 16-bit address bus, allowing it to address up to 64 kilobytes of memory. It features a 16-bit program counter register (PC) and a 16-bit stack pointer. The processor includes six 8-bit general purpose registers (B, C, D, E, H, L) and operates at a 3.2 megahertz single-phase clock frequency. It supports both software and hardware interrupts, with eight software interrupts and five hardware interrupts available.

Functional Units of Intel 8085 Microprocessor

The Intel 8085 microprocessor consists of five major functional units: the memory unit (register unit), arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), instruction decoder and machine cycle encoder unit, timing and control unit, and interrupts and serial communication unit. The memory unit comprises registers that store data, addresses, and machine instructions during program execution. The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations. The instruction decoder and machine cycle encoder unit decode machine instructions based on the opcode and control the execution of microinstructions. The timing and control unit generates clock pulses and control signals for synchronization. Lastly, the interrupts and serial communication unit handles interrupts from external devices and manages serial communication.

Understanding How Microprocessor Works

The microprocessor serves as the brain of a computer system, responsible for executing programs composed of sets of instructions. Programs are stored in the main memory (RAM), with each machine instruction represented as binary code. The CPU fetches, decodes, and executes instructions one by one, following the instruction cycle. The cycle includes fetching the instruction from memory, decoding it to determine the operation, and executing the operation. By repetitively performing this cycle, the CPU executes programs and performs basic operations.

Microprocessor Architecture Simplified

Microprocessor architecture refers to the design and layout of various functional components within the microprocessor chip, as well as the interactions between these components during various operations. In the case of the 8085 microprocessor, the components can be grouped into five major functional units: memory unit, ALU, instruction decoder, timing and control unit, and interrupts and serial communication unit. Understanding the architecture provides a comprehensive view of how the microprocessor functions and facilitates the study of more complex architectures.

Importance of Timing and Control Unit

The timing and control unit is a vital component of the microprocessor as it generates clock signals and control signals necessary for synchronizing the operations of the internal components and peripheral devices. By providing timing signals, the unit enables the microprocessor to execute instructions in a coordinated manner. Control signals manage the operations of hardware components connected to the system. The timing and control unit, along with clock signals, play a crucial role in executing the instruction cycle accurately and ensuring proper functioning of the microprocessor.

Software and Hardware Interrupts in 8085 Microprocessor

Interrupts are signals sent to the microprocessor to pause the current execution sequence and handle requests from external devices. There are eight software interrupts and five hardware interrupts supported by the 8085 microprocessor. Software interrupts can be generated by program instructions, while hardware interrupts originate from external devices. Interrupts can be classified into various groups based on parameters such as vector/non-vector, maskable/non-maskable, and more. Understanding interrupts and their types is essential for managing real-time events and achieving efficient program execution.

Bus Architecture and Bus Interface

The bus architecture of a computer system comprises wires that convey data, address, and control signals between the microprocessor and other hardware components. The microprocessor requires effective communication with these components to execute program instructions. The 8085 microprocessor has an 8-bit data bus and a 16-bit address bus. The address bus transfers 16-bit addresses between the CPU and main memory (RAM). The data bus handles bi-directional transfers of 8-bit data. Additionally, the control bus facilitates the transfer of control signals between the CPU and peripheral devices connected to the system.

🔴 Highlights:

  • The Intel 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit processor introduced by Intel Corporation in 1976.
  • Understanding the 8085 architecture is crucial for computer science students.
  • The 8085 microprocessor features 40 pins and operates on a 5-volt supply.
  • It has an 8-bit data bus, 16-bit address bus, and can address up to 64 kilobytes of memory.
  • The functional units of the 8085 microprocessor include the memory unit, ALU, instruction decoder, timing and control unit, and interrupts and serial communication unit.
  • The microprocessor executes programs by performing the fetch-decode-execute instruction cycle.
  • Interrupts can be software-generated or hardware-generated and serve to pause the current execution sequence of the microprocessor.
  • The bus architecture of the 8085 microprocessor comprises the address bus, data bus, and control bus, facilitating communication with other hardware components.


Q: What is the importance of studying the Intel 8085 microprocessor architecture? A: Studying the 8085 architecture provides foundational concepts necessary to understand microprocessor architectures and how CPUs function. It simplifies the study of more complex architectures and helps bridge the gap between basic and advanced understanding.

Q: How many general-purpose registers does the Intel 8085 microprocessor have? A: The Intel 8085 microprocessor has six general-purpose registers: B, C, D, E, H, and L. These registers can store 8 bits of data each and can also be combined to form register pairs for 16-bit operations.

Q: What is the role of the timing and control unit in the microprocessor? A: The timing and control unit generates clock signals and control signals essential for synchronizing the operations of the microprocessor's internal components and peripheral devices. It ensures the proper execution of instructions and coordination of operations.


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