Unveiling the Truth: Asus Motherboard Supports 128GB RAM

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Unveiling the Truth: Asus Motherboard Supports 128GB RAM

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background Information
  3. testing the RAM Limit
  4. Selecting the RAM
  5. Installation Process
  6. Booting Up the System
  7. Verifying the RAM Capacity
  8. Configuration of the RAM
  9. Unexpected Success
  10. What to Do with the Old RAM
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to today's article where we will be exploring whether my Asus motherboard is capable of supporting 128 gigabytes of RAM, despite Asus's claim that it can only handle 64 gigabytes. There seems to be some discrepancy between the manufacturer's information and what Unread suggests, so we are here to settle the debate once and for all. So, let's dive right into it!

Background Information

Before we proceed with the RAM installation, let's take a moment to examine the current state of my system. According to Unread, my system's maximum memory size is stated as 128 gigabytes, which piques my Curiosity. Currently, I have 32 gigabytes of RAM installed and I am utilizing approximately 36% of that capacity. It is indeed fascinating to note that the system claims to be capable of accommodating 128 gigabytes of RAM. Our goal is to verify the accuracy of this information.

Testing the RAM Limit

To put this claim to the test, we will need to carry out some experimentation. However, I must admit that I am slightly skeptical about the outcome. Firstly, the RAM kit I have chosen is not officially listed as supported by Asus. Secondly, I currently do not have a graphics card installed in my server, which may hinder diagnostic procedures if any issues arise. Nevertheless, I remain hopeful and motivated to explore the possibilities of using 128 gigabytes of RAM.

Selecting the RAM

In my search for an ideal RAM kit that aligns with my requirements, I prioritized both performance and affordability. After careful consideration, I decided on a kit with 128 gigabytes of RAM that operates at 3200 megahertz. Surprisingly, this turned out to be one of the more economical options available, especially considering it is the Vengeance RGB Pro series. Now that I have the RAM in my possession, it is time to proceed with the installation.

Installation Process

While this may seem like a daunting task, I assure you it is relatively straightforward. Although I know that this particular RAM kit is not officially supported by Asus, I am willing to take the risk. As we embark on this journey, it is important to note that this article may not be excessively detailed as there is not much we need to cover. However, I will make sure to provide you with all the necessary information.

Booting Up the System

Before we delve into the specifics, I must share a minor concern. Without a monitor and graphics card, I will be unable to set up the XMP profile required for the RAM to operate at its intended speed of 3200 megahertz. Nevertheless, this will not deter us from proceeding with the installation. Our primary goal at this stage is to determine whether the system successfully boots up with the new RAM configuration.

Verifying the RAM Capacity

Assuming everything went smoothly during the installation process, our next step is to verify the total available RAM capacity. By accessing the dashboard, we can examine the system's memory resources. If our expectations are met, we should see a confirmation that the Asus Crosshair VI Hero motherboard does, in fact, support 128 gigabytes of RAM. This would undoubtedly be fantastic news!

Configuration of the RAM

To ensure optimal performance, we need to configure the RAM settings. Ideally, I would prefer to set up the XMP profile to maximize the RAM's speed. However, the absence of a monitor currently complicates matters. Therefore, we may have to proceed without this setup for now. Nevertheless, our priority is to confirm that the RAM is functioning correctly with its full capacity.

Unexpected Success

Much to my surprise, the installation process went smoother than anticipated. Contrary to my usual experiences, which often involve troubleshooting and jumping through hoops, the new RAM configuration worked seamlessly. This unforeseen success brings me immense joy, and I am relieved that the system booted up with the upgraded RAM effortlessly. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the RAM is already operating at 3200 megahertz, which is incredibly convenient.

What to Do with the Old RAM

Now that we have confirmed the system's compatibility with 128 gigabytes of RAM, it raises a concern - what should I do with my previous 32 gigabyte kit? Although it is not a problem in itself, since I can always use it in another system, it does leave me contemplating its future purpose. Perhaps I will repurpose it or keep it as a backup. Regardless, it seems that I made an unintentional purchase, but that is a minor setback in light of the successful upgrade.


In conclusion, the Asus Crosshair VI Hero motherboard has proven its capability of accommodating 128 gigabytes of RAM, despite the manufacturer's claim that it can only support 64 gigabytes. This unexpected outcome has left me pleasantly surprised and satisfied with the performance of my upgraded system. The installation process was relatively straightforward, and the RAM is functioning seamlessly at its intended speed. Although it is unfortunate that I now have an unused 32 gigabyte kit, the benefits of this upgrade outweigh any minor setbacks. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and until next time!


  • Exploring the discrepancy in RAM capacity between the Asus motherboard and Unread
  • Testing the limits by installing a 128 gigabyte RAM kit
  • Verifying the RAM capacity through the system's dashboard
  • Successfully booting up the system with the upgraded RAM configuration
  • Configuring the RAM for optimal performance
  • Unexpectedly smooth installation process and operating at the intended speed


Q: Is it possible to upgrade the RAM beyond the manufacturer's stated limit? A: Yes, it is possible as demonstrated in this article. However, it is important to note that unsupported configurations may present risks and compatibility issues.

Q: How can I determine the maximum RAM capacity supported by my motherboard? A: You can refer to the manufacturer's documentation or consult online resources for the specifications of your specific motherboard model.

Q: What are the potential benefits of upgrading the RAM? A: Upgrading the RAM can enhance the system's performance, allowing for smoother multitasking, faster data processing, and an overall improvement in the system's responsiveness.

Q: Are there any risks or drawbacks to consider when upgrading the RAM beyond the manufacturer's limit? A: Yes, there are potential risks such as stability issues, compatibility problems, and voiding the warranty. It is always recommended to check the manufacturer's guidelines and consult professionals or experts if unsure.


  • Asus official website: www.asus.com
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