1. iOSまたはAndroidデバイスでBeautyPlusアプリをダウンロードします。 2. アプリを開き、写真を選択するかセルフィーを撮影します。 3. 幅広い編集ツールを使用して写真を強化します。 4. フィルターエフェクトや背景削除、ステッカーやテキスト、音楽の追加を行います。 5. 編集した写真を保存したり、友達やソーシャルメディアプラットフォームで共有します。
カスタマー サービスの BeautyPlus サポート メールは次のとおりです: 。
BeautyPlus 会社名: Pixocial Technology (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 。
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作者:Tanish Chowdhary 4月 25 2024に
7つのAIビューティーエディタのヒントで写真をパワーアップしましょう- さあ、Toolify AIを試してみてください!
作者:Elodie 4月 05 2024に
9つの専門的なAI写真編集のヒントを学ぼう!驚くほど素晴らしい結果を得るために、Toolify AIであなたの画像を引き上げましょう。
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The Incline Show interviews Zoet Beauty Supply
This is an exciting time for The Incline Show and our viewers! We have a special treat in store for you all - Episode 5 featuring the amazing Dana and Charis, owners of Zoet Beauty Supply. This dynamic duo owns two locations; one in Mableton, GA and the other inside of the New Black Wall Street Market of Stonecrest GA. Did you know that only about 2% of beauty supply stores in America are black-owned? Despite this statistic, Zoet Beauty Supply is thriving as a business and has become a staple in both their communities, providing quality products at competitive rates. Join us now to get to know more about Dana and Charis and their successful business. Not only will you get to enjoy an inspiring story, but you'll also get exclusive discounts when you shop with them online at or visit them in person at the corner of Madam CJ Walker within the New Black Wall Street Market. Don't miss out! Tune in now to Episode 5 of The Incline Show with Crystal and special guest Dana and Charis, owners of Zoet Beauty Supply. Also checkout our sponsors at and We look forward to having you join us!