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How to Become a Data Analyst in 2023 (New Way, New Approach)
This video will give you a new approach to accelerate your learning path. This video will give you a better insight into who a data analyst is. Some people assume that data analysis is on the verge of fading away due to the AI enhancements, well I'm not following this statement at all... I strongly believe that AI applications in this industry is not something that looks like a threat, I see it as something that is directing the job positions. So, if you are thinking about learning data analysis skills and something in your mind telling you that this is going to be replaced with AI, instead, think about how to learn this skill purposefully so that you can get the result ASAP. so watch this video until the end, then you are going to figure out a new way to start learning and then eventually master all the required stuff for becoming a data analyst. ✅ An only definite course for Becoming a data analyst from datacamp.com: 🌐 https://www.datacamp.com/data-courses/data-analysis-courses and also, I highly recommend watching my friend's really useful video: 🌐 https://youtu.be/CC66RXeTn_4?si=JllJZCmqEprnAbki ✅ at the end of the video, I referred to some tips on how to get a job by working on your profile LinkedIn, you can read this article below: 🌐 https://www.linkedin.com/business/sales/blog/profile-best-practices/17-steps-to-a-better-linkedin-profile-in-2017 for the ones who are in the inception of the learning path, do not repeat my mistake by taking a lot of courses and watching many videos on YouTube, I know it feels like you are getting stronger. but look, proficiency doesn't happen by spending your time on tutorials. you need to experience and implement what you learned, you need to make mistakes, and you need to get stuck in your project, that's how proficiency happens. Remember, do not get trapped with perfectionism by having this mentality that you are not good at it, because you haven't passed enough certificates. hope this video was quite helpful for you guys. let me know if you want me to work on specific topics. thanks. 00:40 | Wrong definition of data analyst 01:46 | Choose a niche in data analysis 03:00 | What makes you a good data analyst 04:10 | What's the key to learning 04:29 | Which Data job is right for you 07:05 | How to start learning 08:28 | How to get a job #datascience #data_analysis #dataanalytics
How to Become a Data Analyst in 2023 (New Way, New Approach)
This video will give you a new approach to accelerate your learning path. This video will give you a better insight into who a data analyst is. Some people assume that data analysis is on the verge of fading away due to the AI enhancements, well I'm not following this statement at all... I strongly believe that AI applications in this industry is not something that looks like a threat, I see it as something that is directing the job positions. So, if you are thinking about learning data analysis skills and something in your mind telling you that this is going to be replaced with AI, instead, think about how to learn this skill purposefully so that you can get the result ASAP. so watch this video until the end, then you are going to figure out a new way to start learning and then eventually master all the required stuff for becoming a data analyst. ✅ An only definite course for Becoming a data analyst from datacamp.com: 🌐 https://www.datacamp.com/data-courses/data-analysis-courses and also, I highly recommend watching my friend's really useful video: 🌐 https://youtu.be/CC66RXeTn_4?si=JllJZCmqEprnAbki ✅ at the end of the video, I referred to some tips on how to get a job by working on your profile LinkedIn, you can read this article below: 🌐 https://www.linkedin.com/business/sales/blog/profile-best-practices/17-steps-to-a-better-linkedin-profile-in-2017 for the ones who are in the inception of the learning path, do not repeat my mistake by taking a lot of courses and watching many videos on YouTube, I know it feels like you are getting stronger. but look, proficiency doesn't happen by spending your time on tutorials. you need to experience and implement what you learned, you need to make mistakes, and you need to get stuck in your project, that's how proficiency happens. Remember, do not get trapped with perfectionism by having this mentality that you are not good at it, because you haven't passed enough certificates. hope this video was quite helpful for you guys. let me know if you want me to work on specific topics. thanks. 00:40 | Wrong definition of data analyst 01:46 | Choose a niche in data analysis 03:00 | What makes you a good data analyst 04:10 | What's the key to learning 04:29 | Which Data job is right for you 07:05 | How to start learning 08:28 | How to get a job #datascience #data_analysis #dataanalytics
Де вчити аналітику даних?
Точно багато чого не згадала, але це те, де я найбільше зависала, особливо на початку. 01:40 Віджет на стрімліті https://jaromantuka-skills-main-zirerh.streamlit.app/ 03:40 Google Data Analytics Certificate на Coursera https://www.coursera.org/google-certificates/data-analytics-certificate 05:40 Udemy: Tableau https://www.udemy.com/course/tableau10/learn/lecture/5625038?start=15#overview 06:35 Udemy Excel https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-introduction-to-business-data-analysis/learn/lecture/3327662?start=15#overview 7:06 Udemy Data Science https://www.udemy.com/course/the-data-science-course-complete-data-science-bootcamp/learn/quiz/4620602#overview 10:05 Kaggle Learning https://www.kaggle.com/learn 12:17 W3 school https://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp 13:13 Datacamp datacamp.com 15:43 Freecodecamp [https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/data-analysis-with-python/](https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/data-analysis-with-python/data-analysis-with-python-projects/mean-variance-standard-deviation-calculator) 17:19 Prometeus - Візуалізація https://prometheus.org.ua/course/course-v1:IRF+DV101+2016_T3 На прометеусі з’явився платний курс для аналітиків про SQL і PowerBI https://prometheus.org.ua/prometheus-plus/data-analytics-basics/?utm_source=sendy&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-danitanalytics4-announceit. Не реклама, бо нічого про нього не знаю =) Також є курс на дія освіта, але мені здалося, що вона глючна. https://osvita.diia.gov.ua/courses/data-analyst-excel