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千葉県北総地区のエビガニ実食レポート(Crayfish report from Japan)
※動画で伝えきれない詳細はこちらにまとめました↓ https://note.com/4512kagami/n/n1111ccec4acf ・印旛沼について https://maps.app.goo.gl/hm7o6ifgCam7j5ZA7 千葉県北部の利根川下流南岸に位置し、東京から約30キロ、成田空港も近くにある。 印旛沼は北と西に別れ、上水工業用水及び農業用水の水源、漁場として利用されているほか、風光明媚な観光の場ともなっている。 北印旛沼の水は利根川と結ばれ、西印旛沼は放水路を通して東京湾に接続し、洪水時には放水される。 面積11.55 km² 周囲26.4 km 水深:平均1.7 m最大2.5 m ・今回訪問した場所およびご協力者 1.千葉県水産総合研究センター 内水面水産研究所 https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/lab-suisan/suisan/soshiki/naisuimen/index.html 2.岡野川魚店:佃煮うなぎ蒲焼き(活エビガニ販売) http://okanokawauo.com/ 3.錦谷:うなぎ川魚料理店(ザリガニ実食) https://nishikiya-kawauo.com/ 4.名鳥:うなぎ焼鳥料理店(ザリガニ実食) https://narinavi.com/gourmet/6390/ 5.甚平茶屋:うなぎ川魚料理店(ザリガニ実食) https://maps.app.goo.gl/t8sMSqZGDLW6XxfD9 6.高橋水産:佃煮製造販売店(活ザリガニ販売) https://maps.app.goo.gl/A6Q9nTEshEVMACrBA 7.北総水産の漁師さん(印旛沼漁協組合員) https://hokusosuisan.official.ec/ 頂いたダムカードについて https://inba-numa.com/letsgo/damcard/damcard/ ※北総水産さんは印旛沼の魅力を伝えようと素晴らしい活動をされてます。特にファミリーを対象に漁業体験は大好評の様子!詳しくはこちらから↓ https://twitter.com/hokusosuisan 8.印旛沼漁業協同組合 https://maps.app.goo.gl/mXe1t97VgDGcLtCk7 9.生態調査の1例 https://www.i-kouiki.jp/imbanuma/environment05.html 10.石亭:日本蕎麦店(ザリガニ実食) https://maps.app.goo.gl/2bKcNAnLPxjpMzS89 11.さかた:うなぎ川魚料理店(ザリガニ実食) https://www.unagi-sakata.com/ ・レポートの動機 印旛沼周辺のうなぎ屋ではザリガニが食べられるとネットで情報を得て、ホントかどうかの事実確認(実食してみたい)と、沼ではザリガニ漁やザリガニの養殖場があるのか?そして昔からザリガニを食べる食文化がこの地域にあるのか調べたいと思いました。 ・今回までで分かったこと 結果的に印旛沼にザリガニ漁やその養殖場は無く、昔から一般的に慣れ親しまれた地域的な食文化ではありませんでした。しかし、取り扱う飲食店の人達は昔から食べていたと言ってました。 ザリガニはごく一部の飲食店で夏の間だけ取り扱う特殊な食材で、店によりザリガニの産地が異なっていました。 西印旛沼周辺には実食できる店は無く、印旛沼の北側うなぎ街道と呼ばれるエリアでは3店舗、更に北の利根川寄りの店では2店舗で実食できました。 ・まとめ 印旛沼は想像以上に広く、最終的に利根川方面まで行ってしまったので色々調べるのが大変でした。実際には上記以外でもザリガニを実食できる店はまだあり(なんとラーメン屋も!)、全体的に納得できるレベルで調べ切れてません。また来シーズン色々調べたいと思います。 以上が今回のレポートでした!
How AI Agents Are Extinguishing Service 'Heat Cases' and Protecting Dealership Profitability | Numa
Welcome to the Car Dealership Guy Podcast. In this episode, I'm speaking with Tasso Roumeliotis, CEO of Numa, where we discuss: how to extinguish service department "heat cases" before they burn profitability, why 911 started his entrepreneurial journey, when AI should answer phone calls and when it shouldn't, and much more. This episode of the Car Dealership Guy Podcast is brought to you by: @numaAI - Numa is the first AI agent platform for auto dealerships. Address communication breakdowns with customers and get full visibility into all service interactions. Numa answers every call, rescues and books service appointments and lets service teams see all customer communications in one place. Increase Repair Order revenue, expand your customer base and increase CSI. Learn more @ https://www.numa.com/ or visit them at NADA, booth 7012 @tradepending - TradePending makes dealers' websites convert better with their trade-in tool and payment calculator on steroids, makes it easier for sales teams to sell with video and digital vehicle brochures, and helps grow your service business with video for service departments and service offers management that turns your website into a service marketing machine. And they do it all under one roof. Check ‘em out in Booth 851 at NADA and learn more @ https://tradepending.com/ @AutoFi - Whether online or in the showroom, AutoFi enables dealers to build trust and fast-track the deal to F&I. Learn more about AutoFi's digital retailing and showroom solutions @ https://www.autofi.com/cdg/ CDG Job Board - The #1 platform for connecting automotive professionals with job opportunities in the car dealership industry. Explore industry-specific roles and advance your career @ https://jobs.dealershipguy.com/ 🚨 Don’t forget to subscribe to Car Dealership Guy Bites for quick, daily insights into automotive retail—delivered in under 5 minutes: Subscribe on Apple: https://carguymedia.com/apple_bites Subscribe on Spotify: https://carguymedia.com/spotify_bites Subscribe on YouTube: https://carguymedia.com/youtube_bites Need help finding top automotive talent? Get started here: https://www.cdgrecruiting.com/ Interested in advertising with Car Dealership Guy? Drop us a line here: https://cdgpartner.com Interested in being considered as a guest on the podcast? Add your name here: https://bit.ly/3Suismu Topics: 00:00 - Intro 02:08 - What key insights can Tasso share about the automotive industry? 02:28 - How are rapid tech changes impacting the automotive industry? 03:20 - What were the highlights of Tasso’s entrepreneurial journey? 08:38 - Why did Tasso transition to the automotive sector? 12:47 - How is AI transforming the operations of dealerships? 17:32 - What impact do negative customer experiences have on dealerships? 18:33 - How can AI improve communication in dealerships? 19:50 - What does successful AI integration in dealerships look like? 25:55 - What are the future opportunities in dealership technology? Check out Car Dealership Guy’s stuff: CDG News ➤ https://news.dealershipguy.com/ CDG Jobs ➤ https://jobs.dealershipguy.com/ CDG Recruiting ➤ https://www.cdgrecruiting.com/ My Socials: X ➤ x.com/GuyDealership Instagram ➤ instagram.com/cardealershipguy/ TikTok ➤ tiktok.com/@guydealership LinkedIn ➤ linkedin.com/company/cardealershipguy Threads ➤ threads.net/@cardealershipguy Facebook ➤ facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077402857683 Everything else ➤ dealershipguy.com This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions.
The Numa.ai Interview with Derek Simonds "Live" from NADA 2024
It was wonderful to interview Derek Simonds "Live at NADA" and hear more about Numa.ai. I also wanted to thank Mark Rikess for the introduction and Numa.ai wonderful staff for helping shoot this interview. Unfortunately, Jeff Polo had too much fun at the DAS Technology event the night before. If you would like more information on Numa.ai, just reach out. Derek@numa.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/dereksimonds/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/numa/ Thanks for listening Ian and Jeff We are always Listening, yeah that's right! 🎬 Vidcall: https://bit.ly/MeetWithIanNow 📞 Call: 877 804 3164 📬 Email: ianandjeff@autohubshow.com 📱 Call/Text: 604 240 7642 💻Https://www.autohubshow.com Stream The AutoHub Show NOW Monday’s show Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84884065523 Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-auto-hub-show/id1573315771 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7aXk5Ypa9mBmmHpu4inOwY YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTc0hb89yeA4ucXvWLMd25g