Witlingoは、ビジネスが効果的な顧客エンゲージメントのために高い使いやすさを持つボイスボットやチャットボットの自動化を展開するオンラインプラットフォームです。彼らはAmazon AlexaやGoogle Assistantなどの音声ソリューションを通じてコミュニティの相互作用を促進するための生成AIツールを提供しています。
カスタマー サービスの Witlingo サポート メールは次のとおりです: admin@witlingo.com 。 さらに連絡するには、お問い合わせページ (https://witlingo.com/?utm_source=toolify#contact_us) にアクセスしてください。
Witlingo 会社名: Witlingo, Inc. 。
Witlingo ログイン リンク: https://communities.witlingo.com/
Witlingo 価格リンク: https://witlingo.com/pricing
Witlingo Facebookリンク: https://www.facebook.com/witlingo
Witlingo Linkedinリンク: https://www.linkedin.com/company/witlingo/
Witlingo Twitterリンク: https://twitter.com/witlingo
Witlingo Communities
When it comes to managing a community, whether for assisted or independent living, one of the keys to success is the ability to effectively communicate with the members of that community. If you are still using flyers, making phone calls, or delivering information through staff, Witlingo has a web based tool that will help you not only do your job far more effectively but will also enable you to much better serve your community. With The Witlingo Community Studio, an easy to use web-based tool, you will be able to send texts, emails, and automated phone calls by filling out a form and clicking a button. You can send one off notifications as needed, as well as create regular scheduled communications, quickly and easily from a simple browser. And if you have members whose first language is not English, the Witlingo Community Studio will automatically translate your messages into one of the 20 languages that Witlingo supports. That way, members of your community will receive their texts and emails in the language of their choice. And what's more, if you have members who can't easily read text, The Witlingo Community Studio will create a spoken version of your texts so that those members can listen to instead of having to read the text they receive. So, if you want to make sure you are effectively communicating with your community with minimal effort and reduced cost, The Witlingo Community Studio is the tool for you. For our pricing, please go here: https://witlingo.com/witlingo-communities-pricing/ To contact us, please email us at info@witlingo.com
Launch a ChatGPT chatbot for your business in days....
With ChatGPT, Conversational AI has now gone to a whole new level of performance and quality. Witlingo will help you launch your ChatGPT-based chatbot in a matter of days. Once built, Witlingo will host it for you and will ensure that the bot is up to date with your content. Your Chatbot can be deployed not only on your website, but also on many of the most popular platforms, including Facebook Messenger, Slack, and Twitter. For pricing, please visit our pricing page: https://witlingo.com/witlingo-chatgpt-pricing/ To contact us, send an email to: info@witlingo.com
The Witlingo Studio: The Easiest Way to Launch your Custom ChatGPT Bot
This video show you how you can launch your very own custom ChatGPT chatbot in literally minutes by using the Witlingo Studio. The studio also enables you to see what conversations your bot is having so that you can identify issues your customers are having. For pricing, please go here: For additional details, please go here: - https://witlingo.com/chatgpt/ - https://witlingo.com/chatgpt-integrations/