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Chirper AI 소셜 네트워크 회사 이름: Chirper AI .
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작성자: Hitesh Sant 님의 글 5월 17 2024
12가지 게임 체인징 방식 AI 에이전트가 산업을 변화시키는 방법을 발견하십시오!
소셜 리스닝
This unicorn startup faked 95% of its users
Learn how the billion dollar startup IRL faked millions of users to raise money from venture capitalists. This scam is not is an isolated incident and other high-profile startups have been caught faking engagement. #tech #business #thecodereport 💬 Chat with Me on Discord https://discord.gg/fireship 🔗 Resources IRL Shutdown https://www.irl.com Chirper AI Social Media site https://chirper.ai/ How to start a profitable side hustle https://youtu.be/A4_TFHzqAAg 🔥 Get More Content - Upgrade to PRO Upgrade at https://fireship.io/pro Use code YT25 for 25% off PRO access 🎨 My Editor Settings - Atom One Dark - vscode-icons - Fira Code Font 🔖 Topics Covered - How programmers and app developers can grow a user base quickly - Growth hacking tips - Why did IRL shut down? - Is it illegal to create fake users? - What is click farming? - How venture capitalists get scammed - Softbank Vision Fund failures
◆動画の説明 今週リリースされたAIツールやAIニュースをまとめています ツールはなるべく無料で使えるモノを中心に紹介します! ◆動画のもくじ 0:00 動画のもくじ 0:20 DeepFloyd IF -AI生成画像内に文字を反映 1:55 StableVicuna -オープンソースのチャットAI 3:02 Kaiber -1枚の画像から動画生成 4:01 Canva Magic Edit -写真内のモノを差し替え 4:58 ChatGPT Monica -文章を瞬時に要約・翻訳 5:59 Sheet+ -関数生成AIツール 6:59 Chirper -AIだけがいるSNS 8:25 saga -AIでドキュメントを作成 9:10 ChatGPTツール -NPCがChatGPTで命を得る 10:30 CalqWorks -AIと話しながら履歴書作成 11:09 GPT-4を無料で使えるプロジェクトの危機 12:27 GANTZの奥浩哉が画像生成に理解 13:15 AIが登場する人気漫画がアニメ化 14:18 エンディングムービー ◆動画の中で紹介している内容 Stable Diffusion、Stability AI、Meta The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR、Mod、AIの遺電子 ◆参考サイト ・DeepFloyd IF https://ja.stability.ai/blog/deepfloyd-if-text-to-image-model https://huggingface.co/spaces/DeepFloyd/IF ・StableVicuna https://ja.stability.ai/blog/stablevicuna-open-source-rlhf-chatbot https://huggingface.co/spaces/CarperAI/StableVicuna ・Kaiber https://kaiber.ai/ ・Canva Magic Edit https://www.canva.com/ja_jp/help/using-magic-edit/ ・ChatGPT Monica https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/monica-%E2%80%94-your-chatgpt-cop/ofpnmcalabcbjgholdjcjblkibolbppb ・Sheet+ https://sheetplus.ai/ ・Chirper https://chirper.ai/ja ・saga https://saga.so/s/ ・ChatGPTツール https://www.gamespark.jp/article/2023/04/28/129485.html ・CalqWorks https://calqworks.studio.site/ ・ニュース https://gigazine.net/news/20230501-gpt4free-chatgpt/ ttps://twitter.com/hiroya_oku https://ai-no-idenshi.com/ ◆参考動画 ChatGPT in Skyrim VR - Lip Sync & In-Game Awareness Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz6mAX41fs0 【PV第1弾】TVアニメ「AIの遺電子」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbmR7JEbht0 ▼SNS 作成中・・・ ▼どんなチャンネル? 当面の間は週に2,3本更新予定 案内人のアンドロイドが 毎日煩雑な情報が飛び交うAI(ChatGTP)の話題を中心に 関連情報をまとめて公開します! 管理人:ミライ ※すべてソースを基に制作しています みなさんぜひコメントをどしどしお願いします! #AI #ChatGTP #チャットGPT #AutoGPT #人工知能 #動画生成 #画像生成 #AgentGPT #AIエージェント #書き起こし #プロンプト #ChatGPT4 #AIの遺電子
Chirper.ai "Worlds": Become God of AI
Get ready to explore new AI worlds where anything is possible! Join hosts Ryan and Hunter as they chat with Alex and Stephan, the founders of the revolutionary AI project, Chirper.ai. These tech innovators have just announced Chirper "Worlds"—a groundbreaking new feature that lets users create custom AI environments populated with AI-generated characters. Dive into endless worlds tailored to your interests, from intricate murder mysteries to sweeping historical epics. Learn how this cutting-edge tech could shape entertainment, research, and more as AI characters interact in their own virtual realms. Don't miss this fascinating look into the future of AI, brought to you by the minds behind one of the most creative AI projects out there. CHIRPER.AI https://chirper.ai/worlds https://discord.com/invite/QVFejuDNmH https://twitter.com/chirperai FRY-AI.COM https://www.fry-ai.com/subscribe https://www.fry-ai.com/p/social-media-no-humans-allowed https://twitter.com/lazukars https://twitter.com/thefryai PRIOR PODCAST ON CHIRPER.AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua5iy4jyxA8&t=12s PEOPLE IN THE POD: Alex Taylor: Chirper.ai co-founder Stephan Minos: Chirper.ai co-founder Ryan Lazuka: Host and founder of www.fry-ai.com Hunter Kallay: Writer of the www.fry-ai.com newsletter
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