Fooocus에선 최첨단 AI 기술로 창의적인 아이디어를 현실로 만들어줍니다.
1단계 - 프롬프트 선택 이미지 생성을 원하는 창의적인 비전을 포착하는 자세한 프롬프트를 선택하거나 직접 만들기로 시작합니다. 2단계 - 설정 맞춤 Fooocus의 고급 설정을 조정하여 AI의 초점, 스타일 및 출력 품질을 필요에 따라 세밀하게 조정합니다. 다양한 모델 프리셋으로 예술적이거나 현실적인 출력을 실험해보세요. 3단계 - 이미지 생성 이미지 생성 프로세스를 시작하고 Fooocus가 프롬프트를 시각적으로 멋진 예술작품으로 변환하는 과정을 지켜보세요. 4단계 - 편집 및 정제 생성된 이미지에 조정이 필요한지 또는 최종적인 터치가 필요한지 결정하기 위해 Fooocus의 인페인팅 및 편집 도구를 사용하세요. 5단계 - 공유 및 협업 생성물을 커뮤니티와 쉽게 공유하거나 다른 사람들과 협력하여 새로운 창의적 영역을 탐색하세요.
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소셜 리스닝
OFM IA: Guide ULTIME pour te LANCER en 2025 (de A à Z)
Rejoins LA ZONE pour générer tes premiers milliers d'euros grâce à l'OFM IA. Clique ici pour en savoir plus 👉 🎁 Comme promis, les logiciels utilisés dans la vidéo : Création de visage : Faceswap : Liens privés : Et mon SCRIPT de chatting offert : ACCOMPAGNEMENT : Réserve un appel avec mon équipe si tu souhaites que je t'accompagne pour te lancer dans l'OFM et générer plus de 10.000€ par mois en quelques semaines. 👉 👍 N'oubliez pas de liker la vidéo, de vous abonner à la chaîne et d'activer les notifications pour ne manquer aucunes futures vidéos. Si vous souhaitez démarrer votre carrière de modèle, envoyez moi un message sur Instagram. TikTok ► Instagram ► Telegram (non-censuré) ►
Ciencia Ficción #27 (Stargate SG1: Apophis ha vuelto) Inteligencia Artificial (Ia Generativa)
Ciencia Ficción #27 (Stargate SG1: Apophis ha vuelto) Inteligencia Artificial (Ia Generativa) Suscríbete al canal, activa las notificaciones, deja tu like. Y dime en los comentarios qué te ha parecido el vídeo. ¡Sumérgete en un viaje fascinante hacia el futuro con nuestra colección de imágenes y vídeos generados por inteligencia artificial! Explora mundos de ciencia ficción con temática steampunk, robots, y escenarios inspirados en clásicos como Stargate SG1. La IA generativa transforma nuestros sueños en realidad visual, creando imágenes y vídeos que desafían los límites de la imaginación. Descubre cómo la inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando la creación de fantasía, desde impresionantes vídeos en IA hasta increíbles canciones generadas por IA. ¡No te pierdas este emocionante vistazo al futuro de la creatividad! #ai #inteligenciaartificial #cienciaficción Vídeo generado por Haiper: Música generada por Suno: Imagen generada por playground : Música generada por pixabay : Imagen generada por fooocus :
AI Art From Your PC or Mac with No Internet? FOOOCUS!
You CAN make AI art directly from your PC or Mac without needing an internet connection. And the machine can be an older one! How old? We're finding out, as I pull out an older laptop with RTX 2060 graphics to install Fooocus - an Open Source AI tool for making images. Will it work? 🖥️🎨 In this video, I dive deep into how you can create stunning AI art using your own computer with the awesome software, Fooocus (with three O's), even on older machines! 🌟 Download Fooocus: Here's what you'll learn: - How to install and configure Fooocus on your PC (Mac Silicon and Linux options available) - Tips for optimizing an older computer to run AI art software - A walkthrough of generating your first AI art pieces without an internet connection - Insights into the system requirements and performance tweaks ⚠️⚠️WARNING!! 👉AI Art was used in this Video! ⚠️⚠️ Make sure to: - Subscribe here to stay updated with our latest tech tips and tricks - Join the Geekazine community for more in-depth discussions and exclusive content - Follow me on the socials for behind-the-scenes updates and more tech insights Gear I Used for this Journey: Gateway laptop with Nvidia 2060 mobile graphics, 16 GB RAM. Channel Focus: Consumer tech, enterprise tech, music tech, auto tech Geek out and create more AI art using Fooocus! 🎨 CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 01:22 - What is Fooocus 01:48 - The Machine I'm putting Fooocus on 07:45 - Install and Run Fooocus (3 versions available) 11:22 - Making that First Image 19:52 - We go Offline to make images 23:40 - Image Prompt 30:47 - Systems and Final Thoughts 31:38 - Outro #fooocus #aiairt #opensource #nowifi #createai 🚀 Welcome to Geekazine! 🚀 **Ready to dive into the latest in tech? Subscribe now and never miss an update!** 👇 👉 **Subscribe on YouTube:** 🎧 **Subscribe on iTunes:** 📹 Gear We Use: Go to **The Basics** - Adobe Premiere Pro - vMix - Sony Handicam - PTZOptics Cameras 👩🍼RSS Bandwidth by #Cachefly: 🔴Check out my Amazon LIVE Videos: 🌟 Our Channel Focus: GeekazineTech #channelfocus - **Consumer Tech:** Get the latest on gadgets and tech innovations. - **Event Coverage:** Highlights from major events like CES 2024 and NAB 2024. 🥳 Join the Geekazine Community: #community - **YouTube Community:** [Join Here]( - **Merch:** Grab your Geekazine T-Shirt and more [here]( 💰 Support the Channel: #supportthechannel - **Tip on Paypal:** [] - **Venmo:** [] 🎸 Visit Us: - **Geekazine Website:** [] - **Amazon LIVE Videos:** [] - **Social Media:** Follow us on all platforms via [] 🤓 About Geekazine: #About Welcome to Geekazine, your go-to channel for consumer tech, enterprise tech, music tech, and auto tech. We cover major events like CES, SXSW, and more. Learn how to podcast, videocast, and livestream with us. Let's geek out together! 📢 Product Reviews: Interested in getting your product reviewed? Check out our [Product Review Policy]( and [Contact Us]( --- **"Thanks for visiting Geekazine - Think Magazine, put in a Geek. Let's all geek out together!"** - Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine **🔥 What should we review next? Let us know in the comments! 🔥**
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