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FormWise.AI는 코딩이 필요 없이 사용자가 AI 도구를 쉽게 생성, 수익화 및 사용자 정의할 수 있도록 합니다.
5월 30 2023
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FormWise.AI 제품 정보

FormWise.AI이란 무엇인가요?

FormWise.AI은 즐겨 사용하는 ChatGPT 프롬프트와 대화를 활용하여 화이트레이블 AI 도구를 생성할 수 있는 플랫폼입니다. 이 플랫폼은 코딩이 필요하지 않으며, 창업가와 SaaS 소유자가 이러한 도구를 몇 분 안에 수익화할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 이미 3,000명 이상의 창업가가 FormWise.AI에 참여했으며, FormWise.AI는 산업별 AI 툴킷, 프롬프트 연결, 데이터 소스 통합 등 다양한 기능과 사용 사례를 제공합니다.

FormWise.AI을 어떻게 사용하나요?

FormWise.AI를 사용하려면 다음 단계를 따르십시오: 1. FormWise.AI 웹사이트에서 계정을 등록하십시오. 2. 다양한 사용 사례와 데모 예제를 찾아 영감을 얻으십시오. 3. 실험을 위한 Creator 플랜 또는 대량 처리 및 견고성을 위한 Agency 플랜과 같은 필요에 맞는 플랜을 선택하십시오. 4. 좋아하는 ChatGPT 프롬프트와 대화를 활용하여 AI 도구를 만들기 시작하십시오. FormWise.AI는 무제한 도구 및 어디에서나 임베드할 수 있는 클릭 한 번으로 도구를 제공합니다. 5. 테마나 화이트레이블 옵션을 조정하여 도구를 브랜드에 맞춤 설정하십시오. 6. 데이터 소스를 통합하고 여러 프롬프트를 연결하여 강력한 워크플로우를 생성하여 도구를 개선하십시오. 7. 웹사이트나 SaaS 플랫폼에 AI 도구를 임베드하거나 개별적인 리드 매그넷을 대중과 공유하십시오. 8. AI 도구의 성능을 모니터링하고 효과성을 향상시키기 위해 필요한 조정을 수행하십시오.

FormWise.AI의 핵심 기능

고객을 위한 산업별 AI 툴킷 빌드

강력한 워크플로우를 위한 여러 GPT 프롬프트 연결

사용자 정의 데이터를 통합하여 AI를 향상

화이트레이블 옵션을 통해 어디에서나 AI 도구 임베드

AI 응답으로 개별화된 리드 매그넷 생성

FormWise.AI의 사용 사례


다양한 산업의 고객을 위한 AI 툴킷 빌드


GPT 프롬프트를 연결하여 워크플로우 자동화


AI 기반 동적 폼으로 리드 생성 향상


마케팅 도구와 플랫폼에 AI 통합


고객 지원을 위한 개인화된 AI 응답 생성

FormWise.AI의 FAQ

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AI 도구의 외관을 브랜드와 일치시킬 수 있나요?

외부 데이터 소스를 AI 도구와 통합할 수 있나요?

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Feb 2023 - Feb 2025 모든 웹사이트 트래픽

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Feb 2023 - Feb 2025 데스크톱 장치만 해당

웹사이트 트래픽 소스

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Feb 2023 - Feb 2025 전 세계 데스크톱 기기만 해당

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검색 기록

Build $100k AI Saas Apps (No-code + WordPress Tutorial 2024)

Build $100k AI Micro-Saas Apps (No-code + WordPress Tutorial 2024) Get 📱Formwise AI👇👇👇 https://webifiedhub.com/formwise Get 🧢Instantly AI👇👇👇 https://webifiedhub.com/instantly Get ❇️10Web AI👇👇👇 https://webifiedhub.com/10web COUPON(20% DISCOUNT): khadin ✅ Free No-Code AI Saas Masterclass (Guide to $10k MRR)👇👇👇 https://whop.com/checkout/plan_Swi8wV3Zr3kyz?d2c=true Use Coupon code "FREEFOREVER" to Get access above course for Free.(Only first 100 users for each of coupon are allowed) ✅ 40+ money-making methods, that I used to build 13+ income streams👇👇👇 https://hustlixacademy.com Get 10+ business ideas each month👇👇👇 ✅ Newsletter(Hustlix Academy) https://khadinakbar.com/subscribe ✅ Discord(Hustlix Academy)👇👇👇 https://khadinakbar.com/discord ✅ Facebook(Hustlix Academy)👇👇👇 https://khadinakbar.com/facebook ---- For Business Queries: hello@khadinakbar.com #ai #sidehustles2023 #saas ---- BRIEF:- Are you ready to embark on a journey into the exciting world of AI micro-SaaS apps without having to write a single line of code? In this comprehensive and informative video, I will walk you through the entire process of creating and selling AI-powered micro-SaaS applications. You'll discover how to leverage cutting-edge tools like Formwise.ai, Instantly.ai, and 10web AI builder to turn your ideas into reality and potentially earn over $50,000 per month, just like I did. Introduction (Income Proof & Final Product) Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of building and selling AI micro-SaaS apps, let me share some compelling income proof and showcase the final product that I developed using the very techniques and tools I'll be demonstrating in this video. Seeing is believing, and by the end of this tutorial, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to follow in my footsteps. Tools We Need To embark on this exciting journey, you need to arm yourself with the right set of tools. In this step, I'll introduce you to the essential tools that you'll require throughout this process. From Formwise.ai for building AI-powered web forms and workflows to Instantly.ai for finding and reaching your ideal customers, and 10web AI builder for crafting stunning landing pages with the simplicity of cloning any website – we've got you covered. Create Your Own AI Apps using Formwise.ai Now, let's roll up our sleeves and get into the core of it all – creating your very own AI apps using Formwise.ai. This remarkable no-code platform is a game-changer. You'll learn how to harness its power to build AI-driven applications that can serve a multitude of purposes, all without the need for any coding skills or technical knowledge. I'll provide a step-by-step walkthrough so that you can get started right away. Create AI Toolkits using Formwise.ai In this step, we'll take our understanding of Formwise.ai to the next level. I'll show you how to create AI toolkits that can enhance the functionality and utility of your AI apps. These toolkits can be customized to suit your specific needs, and I'll demonstrate how to make the most of this incredible feature. Sell AI Apps using Instantly.ai Having crafted your AI apps, the next step is equally important – selling them! Instantly.ai comes to the rescue by helping you identify and reach out to your ideal customers through cold emailing. I'll provide you with tips, strategies, and a walkthrough on how to effectively market and sell your AI micro-SaaS apps using this powerful tool. Get ready to turn your creations into revenue. Design App Landing Page using AI First impressions matter, and in the world of software, your landing page is your virtual storefront. In this step, we'll explore the remarkable capabilities of the 10web AI builder. You'll learn how to design a stunning landing page for your AI app by effortlessly cloning any existing webpage. This tool will be your secret weapon in making your app stand out and attract potential customers. TIMESTAMPS:- 00:01 Introduction (Income Proof & Final Product) 01:20 Step #1: Tools we need 02:23 Step #2: Build a Fully Fledged Micro-Saas app 03:15 Step #3: Find your app Ideas using FlowGPT 05:06 Step #4: Create AI Apps & Toolkits using Formwise.ai 15:28 Step #5: Sell AI Apps using Instantly.ai 20:27 Step #6: Design App Landing Page using AI 24:07 Final Steps and Conclusions --- ☑ Watched the video ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? --- ----- Social Links ---- ➦Subscribe Here: https://youtube.com/growwithkhadin ➦Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/khadinakbar ➦Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/khadinakbar ➦Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/khadinakbar

10월 13 2023

Build $100k AI Saas Apps (No-code + WordPress Tutorial 2024)

Build $100k AI Micro-Saas Apps (No-code + WordPress Tutorial 2024) Get 📱Formwise AI👇👇👇 https://webifiedhub.com/formwise Get 🧢Instantly AI👇👇👇 https://webifiedhub.com/instantly Get ❇️10Web AI👇👇👇 https://webifiedhub.com/10web COUPON(20% DISCOUNT): khadin ✅ Free No-Code AI Saas Masterclass (Guide to $10k MRR)👇👇👇 https://whop.com/checkout/plan_Swi8wV3Zr3kyz?d2c=true Use Coupon code "FREEFOREVER" to Get access above course for Free.(Only first 100 users for each of coupon are allowed) ✅ 40+ money-making methods, that I used to build 13+ income streams👇👇👇 https://hustlixacademy.com Get 10+ business ideas each month👇👇👇 ✅ Newsletter(Hustlix Academy) https://khadinakbar.com/subscribe ✅ Discord(Hustlix Academy)👇👇👇 https://khadinakbar.com/discord ✅ Facebook(Hustlix Academy)👇👇👇 https://khadinakbar.com/facebook ---- For Business Queries: hello@khadinakbar.com #ai #sidehustles2023 #saas ---- BRIEF:- Are you ready to embark on a journey into the exciting world of AI micro-SaaS apps without having to write a single line of code? In this comprehensive and informative video, I will walk you through the entire process of creating and selling AI-powered micro-SaaS applications. You'll discover how to leverage cutting-edge tools like Formwise.ai, Instantly.ai, and 10web AI builder to turn your ideas into reality and potentially earn over $50,000 per month, just like I did. Introduction (Income Proof & Final Product) Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of building and selling AI micro-SaaS apps, let me share some compelling income proof and showcase the final product that I developed using the very techniques and tools I'll be demonstrating in this video. Seeing is believing, and by the end of this tutorial, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to follow in my footsteps. Tools We Need To embark on this exciting journey, you need to arm yourself with the right set of tools. In this step, I'll introduce you to the essential tools that you'll require throughout this process. From Formwise.ai for building AI-powered web forms and workflows to Instantly.ai for finding and reaching your ideal customers, and 10web AI builder for crafting stunning landing pages with the simplicity of cloning any website – we've got you covered. Create Your Own AI Apps using Formwise.ai Now, let's roll up our sleeves and get into the core of it all – creating your very own AI apps using Formwise.ai. This remarkable no-code platform is a game-changer. You'll learn how to harness its power to build AI-driven applications that can serve a multitude of purposes, all without the need for any coding skills or technical knowledge. I'll provide a step-by-step walkthrough so that you can get started right away. Create AI Toolkits using Formwise.ai In this step, we'll take our understanding of Formwise.ai to the next level. I'll show you how to create AI toolkits that can enhance the functionality and utility of your AI apps. These toolkits can be customized to suit your specific needs, and I'll demonstrate how to make the most of this incredible feature. Sell AI Apps using Instantly.ai Having crafted your AI apps, the next step is equally important – selling them! Instantly.ai comes to the rescue by helping you identify and reach out to your ideal customers through cold emailing. I'll provide you with tips, strategies, and a walkthrough on how to effectively market and sell your AI micro-SaaS apps using this powerful tool. Get ready to turn your creations into revenue. Design App Landing Page using AI First impressions matter, and in the world of software, your landing page is your virtual storefront. In this step, we'll explore the remarkable capabilities of the 10web AI builder. You'll learn how to design a stunning landing page for your AI app by effortlessly cloning any existing webpage. This tool will be your secret weapon in making your app stand out and attract potential customers. TIMESTAMPS:- 00:01 Introduction (Income Proof & Final Product) 01:20 Step #1: Tools we need 02:23 Step #2: Build a Fully Fledged Micro-Saas app 03:15 Step #3: Find your app Ideas using FlowGPT 05:06 Step #4: Create AI Apps & Toolkits using Formwise.ai 15:28 Step #5: Sell AI Apps using Instantly.ai 20:27 Step #6: Design App Landing Page using AI 24:07 Final Steps and Conclusions --- ☑ Watched the video ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? --- ----- Social Links ---- ➦Subscribe Here: https://youtube.com/growwithkhadin ➦Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/khadinakbar ➦Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/khadinakbar ➦Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/khadinakbar

10월 13 2023

12 AI Micro SaaS Examples That Actually Make Money [PART #2]

💻 Build a Micro SaaS Academy: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com OTHER COURSES 👇 🤖 Copy This Profitable Micro SaaS: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/copyaprofitablemicrosaas 🚀 Launch a Micro SaaS With Me: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/launchamicrosaaswithme 🖥️ Frontend Micro SaaS Templates: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/frontendtemplates ✍️ Copywriting for Devs: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/copywriting 🎥 Organic YouTube for SaaS: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/freeorganictraffic _______ 💡 Free Micro SaaS Ideas: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/ideas _______ Welcome back to SaaS University! In this second part of our series on AI micro SaaS examples that are making real money, we bring you twelve more inspiring stories from the world of software as a service. These innovative AI startups have carved out niches, solved problems, and generated revenue using AI technologies. We'll explore companies like Sticai, Liarliar.ai, Scrap.so, Trickle.so, Formwise.ai, Writersbrew.app, Userdesk.io, Orimon.ai, Lifelight AI Journal & Note, Skills.ai Analytics, Teamsmart.ai, and Copygen.ai. Each of these startups has a unique approach and a successful business model. By understanding their strategies and successes, you can gain valuable insights into the potential of AI in the micro SaaS space. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from these AI micro SaaS success stories and discover how you can apply their lessons to your own ventures. Watch now and get inspired! https://sticai.com/ https://liarliar.ai/ https://scrap.so/ https://www.trickle.so/ https://www.formwise.ai/ https://writersbrew.app/ https://userdesk.io/ https://orimon.ai/ https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lifelight-ai-journal-note/id1631169735?platform=mac https://skills.ai/analytics/ https://www.teamsmart.ai/ https://www.copygen.ai/

SaaS University
4월 15 2024

33개의 소셜 미디어 데이터를 보려면 잠금을 해제해야 합니다

FormWise.AI 삽입 실행

웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

FormWise.AI: FormWise.AI는 코딩이 필요 없이 사용자가 AI 도구를 쉽게 생성, 수익화 및 사용자 정의할 수 있도록 합니다.
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