개별 요구사항에 학습된 사용자 정의 ChatGPT 어시스턴트를 생성하고 백엔드와 연결합니다.
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Gali - Custom AI chatbot 회사 이름: Gali .
Gali - Custom AI chatbot 로그인 링크: https://app.galiai.com/signin
Gali - Custom AI chatbot 가입 링크: https://app.galiai.com/signup
Gali - Custom AI chatbot 가격 링크: https://www.galiai.com/#Pricing
Gali - Custom AI chatbot Linkedin 링크: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gali-ai
최신 가격을 확인하려면 다음 링크를 방문하세요: https://www.galiai.com/#Pricing
소셜 리스닝
Create custom AI chatbots trained on your data. No code, step-by-step tutorial
Step-by-step tutorial to create custom ChatGPT assistants with Gali AI. Gali AI [www.galiai.com] is a no-code platform for creating AI chatbots trained on your data that can be added to your website in minutes. Imagine having your ChatGPT assistant answering users' questions in your stead. Additionally, you can connect them to your backend, although some coding skills are required for this [not covered in this video]. No code is required for the initial setup, which takes just 10 minutes. Main use cases: 🚀🚀🚀 Generate and qualify more leads by answering questions and collecting information. 🙌🙌🙌 Assist customer support by providing real-time responses to standard questions, and escalating to human intervention only when needed. 🤖🤖🤖 Query your backend by interacting with a chatbot instead of coding. Let us know what you think about in the comments below! Thank you for watching.
Gali AI - Product Video Preview: Create a Custom ChatGPT Chatbot trained on your data
Product video preview: From signup to chatbot creation and publishing. -- Gali AI is the platform for creating your own ChatGPT chatbots, easily integrated into your website. The two most common use cases are: Growth: Generate more leads from your website with custom AI assistants. Trained on your data, they provide 24/7 responses and offer valuable insights from chat history. Customer Support: Answer frequently asked questions in real time, enhancing user experience and reserving human support for more complex inquiries. No coding is required, and setup takes just 10 minutes. Find out more at www.galiai.com