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소셜 리스닝
Recruiter Roundtable #51- AI & ChatGPT Software/Chrome Extensions for Recruiters
Today Links HireHarmony Linkedin Profile analyzer - https://hireharmonyai.com/signup? X-Ray Search - https://toolkit.hireez.com/solutions/boolean-builder/ - https://my.jobin.cloud/sourcing/x-ray-search - https://recruitin.net/ Brian Finks Custom Search Engine - https://cse.google.com/cse?q=+&cx=005704587298353977169:ztqzquc6ifw AI Chrome extensions with prompts - https://app.maxai.me/prompts - https://www.usemano.com/ (search Chrome store for Mano and you'll need an API call) Metaview call record and creates notes - https://www.metaview.ai/gift/jq6g7 Dean Da Costas Souring Links and SSAR - https://www.thesourcinglinks.com/bronze/search - https://start.me/p/GE7Ebm/ssar - https://start.me/p/aLjlvm/a-sourcing-supersets - PDF Resume Summerizer https://a.picoapps.xyz/deep-act