HireHarmonyAI is an AI-powered Chrome extension that makes hiring over LinkedIn easier and more efficient.
Just a few clicks and you are ready to go. Install the Chrome extension, add your OpenAI API key, open a LinkedIn profile, and click the extension icon.
Here is the HireHarmonyAI support email for customer service: support@hireharmonyai.com .
HireHarmonyAI Company name: HireHarmonyAI .
HireHarmonyAI Login Link: https://hireharmonyai.com/login
HireHarmonyAI Pricing Link: https://hireharmonyai.com/pricing
Pay once, Use forever
$19.99 one time payment
For individual recruiters and HR teams
For the latest pricing, please visit this link: https://hireharmonyai.com/pricing
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Recruiter Roundtable #51- AI & ChatGPT Software/Chrome Extensions for Recruiters
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