Odaptos is a platform that offers automated Customer Research through AI.
1. Sign up for an account on Odaptos. 2. Create a research project and set the criteria for participants. 3. Conduct user tests via videoconferencing. 4. AI will analyze emotions and behaviors to generate insights. 5. Receive actionable insights for improving user experience.
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Odaptos 회사 이름: Odaptos .
Odaptos 로그인 링크: https://odaptos.com/login/
Odaptos 가입 링크: https://odaptos.com/sign-up/
Odaptos 가격 링크: https://odaptos.com/pricing/
Access to essential features and limited number of user tests.
Advanced features and unlimited user tests.
Tailored solution for enterprise-level customer research.
최신 가격을 확인하려면 다음 링크를 방문하세요: https://odaptos.com/pricing/
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