팀 스마트 AI는 Chrome 확장 프로그램으로, AI 어시스턴트에게 원클릭으로 접근할 수 있습니다. 사용자는 브라우저에서 직접 콘텐츠 요약, 코드 생성, 트윗 초안 작성 등 다양한 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다.
팀 스마트 AI를 사용하려면 사용자는 Chrome 확장 프로그램을 설치하고 원하는 AI 어시스턴트를 선택하여 자신의 AI 팀을 생성해야 합니다. 그런 다음 확장 프로그램을 통해 AI 팀에 접근하여 다양한 작업에 대한 도움을 요청할 수 있습니다.
팀 스마트 AI 회사 이름: TeamSmart.ai .
팀 스마트 AI 가격 링크: https://www.teamsmart.ai/#pricing
팀 스마트 AI Twitter 링크: https://twitter.com/heykahn/status/1654460048339513344
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최신 가격을 확인하려면 다음 링크를 방문하세요: https://www.teamsmart.ai/#pricing
소셜 리스닝
12 AI Micro SaaS Examples That Actually Make Money [PART #2]
💻 Build a Micro SaaS Academy: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com OTHER COURSES 👇 🤖 Copy This Profitable Micro SaaS: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/copyaprofitablemicrosaas 🚀 Launch a Micro SaaS With Me: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/launchamicrosaaswithme 🖥️ Frontend Micro SaaS Templates: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/frontendtemplates ✍️ Copywriting for Devs: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/copywriting 🎥 Organic YouTube for SaaS: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/freeorganictraffic _______ 💡 Free Micro SaaS Ideas: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/ideas _______ Welcome back to SaaS University! In this second part of our series on AI micro SaaS examples that are making real money, we bring you twelve more inspiring stories from the world of software as a service. These innovative AI startups have carved out niches, solved problems, and generated revenue using AI technologies. We'll explore companies like Sticai, Liarliar.ai, Scrap.so, Trickle.so, Formwise.ai, Writersbrew.app, Userdesk.io, Orimon.ai, Lifelight AI Journal & Note, Skills.ai Analytics, Teamsmart.ai, and Copygen.ai. Each of these startups has a unique approach and a successful business model. By understanding their strategies and successes, you can gain valuable insights into the potential of AI in the micro SaaS space. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from these AI micro SaaS success stories and discover how you can apply their lessons to your own ventures. Watch now and get inspired! https://sticai.com/ https://liarliar.ai/ https://scrap.so/ https://www.trickle.so/ https://www.formwise.ai/ https://writersbrew.app/ https://userdesk.io/ https://orimon.ai/ https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lifelight-ai-journal-note/id1631169735?platform=mac https://skills.ai/analytics/ https://www.teamsmart.ai/ https://www.copygen.ai/
Startup Acquisition Stories with Jake Prins, Founder of TeamSmart AI
Jake Prins isn’t your typical software developer. He was once a professional basketball player in the Dutch Basketball League before making a hard pivot into software development which he picked up only after college. Currently, he’s a frontend engineer at Apideck by day and a indie hacker/entrepreneur on nights and weekends. At the moment, he’s involved with two other side-projects while having sold a third one (Serverless SaaS) recently through Acquire.com. Hear as Jake shares his story of how he came up with the idea for Serverless SaaS, validated the product, grew it, and what led him to sell it on Acquire.com. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Be sure to subscribe to see the newest acquisition stories every Tuesday and gain the knowledge to buy or sell your own online business → https://youtube.com/@acquiredotcom?sub_confirmation=1 Want more stories? Access the past 50+ acquisition stories here → https://blog.acquire.com/tag/startup-acquisition-stories-podcast/ Thinking about selling your own startup? The number one question is always 'how much can I sell for' and we've got the answers in our biannual valuation multiples reports here → https://blog.acquire.com/tag/acquire-coms-acquisition-multiples-report/ Thinking about buying a startup? Sign up for a free buyer account and browse all the live listings. Upgrade only when you find the right one that fits your acquisition criteria to engage. Get Started → https://acquire.com/buyers/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Follow the Guest: Jake Prins- ► https://twitter.com/jake_prins ► https://teamsmart.ai ► https://jakeprins.com ► https://serverless.page/ (SOLD) Follow the Host: Andrew Gazdecki - ► https://twitter.com/agazdecki ► https://www.linkedin.com/in/agazdecki/ ► https://acquire.com Follow Acquire.com - ► https://twitter.com/acquiredotcom ► https://www.linkedin.com/company/acquiredotcom ► https://www.tiktok.com/@acquiredotcom ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ About Acquire.com: Acquire.com is the largest and most active acquisition marketplace for buying and selling online businesses. Acquire.com is the highest rated platform for both ease and quickness to match buyers and sellers. We cater to all types of online, revenue-generating businesses while producing the highest success rates for SaaS and eCommerce/DTC businesses in the M&A industry. Join over 200,000 entrepreneurs making life-changing connections and deals everyday.
10 exemplos de Micro SaaS de AI que realmente geram dinheiro [PARTE #1]
💻💰Bem-vindo de volta No code tech! Nesta primeira parte da nossa série sobre exemplos de micro SaaS de IA que estão gerando dinheiro real, trazemos dez histórias inspiradoras do mundo do software como serviço. Essas startups inovadoras de IA encontraram nichos, resolveram problemas e geraram receita utilizando tecnologias de IA. Vamos explorar empresas como Sticai, Liarliar.ai, Scrap.so, Trickle.so, Formwise.ai, Writersbrew.app, Userdesk.io, Orimon.ai, Lifelight AI Journal & Note, Skills.ai Analytics, Teamsmart.ai e Copygen.ai. Cada uma dessas startups tem uma abordagem única e um modelo de negócio bem-sucedido. Ao compreender suas estratégias e sucessos, você pode obter insights valiosos sobre o potencial da IA no espaço de micro SaaS. Não perca esta oportunidade de aprender com essas histórias de sucesso de micro SaaS de IA e descubra como você pode aplicar suas lições aos seus próprios empreendimentos. Assista agora e se inspire! CORRIGINDO ERRO: O último da lista não é 31,000, são na verdade 3,100.
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