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검색 기록

Show Us Your Portfolio: Cem Karsan | How an Options Expert Builds His Personal Portfolio

In this episode we speak with Cem Karsan, the most popular guest from our first 200 episodes. But this time we changed things up and asked him to talk about how he manages his personal portfolio. Many investors are used to building their portfolios using long-term buy and hold allocations to stocks and bonds, but Cem turns that on its head and takes a very different approach. We talk about the principles that guide his investment strategy, how he thinks about portfolio construction, his views on inflation and a lot more. For followers of Cem, we also ask for some breadcrumbs on dealer positioning at the end too. If you found this video valuable, you might also enjoy our other interview with Cem Karsan. In that interview, we take a deeper dive into his dealer positioning models and the basis for his macroeconomic framework. You can find that interview here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMWRWn8SNzc&t=9s #cemkarsan #vanna #charm #gamma #optionsinvesting 00:00 - Intro 02:59 - the guiding principles of Cem's personal portfolio 05:22 - will Cem ever retire? 07:24 - the importance of time 10:39 - how Cem balances time frames in his portfolio 13:09 - how selling his market making business changed Cem's approach 15:32 - the future of the 60-40 portfolio 23:06 - how 60-40 portfolio investors should think about the current environment 25:38 - the outlook for active management going forward 27:17 - how Cem thinks about bonds 30:08 - evaluating active managers 31:15 - equity investing in an inflationary world 35:58 - how Cem thinks about valuation 40:29 - Cem's thoughts on international exposure 43:10 - Looking at drawdowns 46:36 - does long equity exposure make sense in the current regime? 48:12 - inflation and Fed policy 51:56 - assets that perform well in an inflationary environment 57:30 - the importance of getting the secular trend right 01:01:11 - the role of venture capital, private equity and real estate in Cem's portfolio 01:04:08 - things Cem spends money on that are not financially motivated 01:05:59 - some breadcrumbs on current dealer positioning 01:14:15 - the one lesson Cem would teach the average investor CEM'S PREVIOUS APPEARANCE ON THE PODCAST https://youtu.be/wMWRWn8SNzc SEE LATEST EPISODES https://www.validea.com/excess-returns-podcast FIND OUT MORE ABOUT VALIDEA https://www.validea.com FOLLOW OUR BLOG https://blog.validea.com FIND OUT MORE ABOUT VALIDEA CAPITAL https://www.valideacapital.com FOLLOW JACK Twitter: https://twitter.com/practicalquant LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-forehand-8015094 FOLLOW JUSTIN Twitter: https://twitter.com/jjcarbonneau LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jcarbonneau

Excess Returns
4월 13 2023

The No Landing Scenario | Cem Karsan |The Case for Structural Inflation

In this episode, our most popular guest returns for his third appearance on Excess Returns. We talk with Kai Volatility founder Cem Karsan about a wide range of topics, including the future outlook for inflation, what the Fed is likely to do going forward, structured products, ODTE options, the importance of thinking in probabilities and a lot more. We also get some crumbs and get Cem's take on option dealer flows and the potential coming February window of weakness. If you found this video valuable, you might also enjoy our other two interviews with Cem Karsan. In our first interview, we take a deeper dive into his dealer positioning models and the basis for his macroeconomic framework. You can find that interview here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMWRWn8SNzc In our second interview, we looked at how Cem manages his personal portfolio https://youtu.be/VHQpZIOpZlM 00:00 - Intro 02:26 - The drivers of structural inflation 06:14 - The challenge of the Fed's dual mandate 10:17 - There is no landing 13:11 - Fed rate cuts 15:30 - A potential resurgence in inflation 18:13 - Parallels to the 1970s 21:46 - Significant differences from the 1970s 27:52 - The risks of structured products 35:55 - The risks of the rise of 0DTE options 45:27 - Breadcrumbs and the February window of weakness 51:41 - The importance of thinking in probabilities 56:19 - Cem's biggest reason for worry and optimism #cemkarsan #optionsinvesting #inflation #economy #macro FOLLOW CEM ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/jam_croissant SEE LATEST EPISODES https://www.validea.com/excess-returns-podcast FIND OUT MORE ABOUT VALIDEA CAPITAL https://www.valideacapital.com FIND OUT MORE ABOUT VALIDEA https://www.validea.com FOLLOW JACK Twitter: https://twitter.com/practicalquant LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-forehand-8015094 FOLLOW JUSTIN Twitter: https://twitter.com/jjcarbonneau LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jcarbonneau

Excess Returns
2월 08 2024

Show Us Your Portfolio: Larry Swedroe | How a Factor Investing Pioneer Manages His Own Money

Welcome to Excess Returns, where our goal is to make you a better investor. If you enjoy this video, please like and subscribe to get more videos like it and to help us reach more investors like you. In our latest episode of Show Us Your Portfolio, we speak with Buckingham Strategic Wealth's Larry Swedroe. Larry has dedicated his career to educating investors and has written more books and articles than we can list in that pursuit. We talk with Larry about how he takes his evidence-based approach to investing and translates it into managing his personal portfolio. We cover his approach to incorporating uncorrelated return streams into his overall approach, his unique use of assets outside of those traditionally used by investors, how he approaches equities and bonds, how his approach has changed over time and a lot more. 00:00 - Intro 02:54 - Larry's biggest long-term goals with his portfolio 06:31 - The relationship between wealth and happiness 08:00 - How Larry views retirement 10:39 - Larry's framework for constructing his portfolio 19:43 - How Larry's market exposure has changed over time 24:39 - How Larry thinks about incorporating illiquid assets 28:30 - How Larry approaches fixed income 31:28 - How Larry approaches his equity exposure 36:56 - Larry's thoughts on market timing 40:09 ' How Larry thinks about international diversification 42:41 - Larry's approach to private investing 48:56 - Overcoming investor's behavioral problems 53:22 - Investments that generate happiness instead of returns 57:21 - The one lesson Larry would teach the average investor FOLLOW LARRY ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/larryswedroe SEE LATEST EPISODES https://www.validea.com/excess-returns-podcast FIND OUT MORE ABOUT VALIDEA https://www.validea.com FIND OUT MORE ABOUT VALIDEA CAPITAL https://www.valideacapital.com FOLLOW JACK Twitter: https://twitter.com/practicalquant LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-forehand-8015094 FOLLOW JUSTIN Twitter: https://twitter.com/jjcarbonneau LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jcarbonneau

Excess Returns
6월 22 2023

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