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SIE exam and Series 7 Exam:Key Topic Sheet
Capital Advantage Tutoring channel (#1 channel for SIE ands Series 7 Exam ) on Youtube over 300 videos to help you pass the FINRA and Nasaa exams Give Achievable a try (FREE TRIAL) https://achievable.me/#a_aid=capital-advantage If you are looking for a Series 7 top off tutor please visit https://www.series7exam.org Or check out Michael Weiss ( great tutor ) https://www.series7examtutor.com For a 15% discount on STC materials https://www.stcusa.com/referral/capitaladvantage/ Summary of the Video In this video from Capital Advantage Tutoring, Ken Finnen provides key strategies and a brain dump sheet for preparing for the SIE (Securities Industry Essentials) and Series 7 exams. The video includes: 1. Brain Dump Sheet: • Options: Detailed explanations of calls and puts, including max gain, max loss, and break-even points. • Spreads: Descriptions of debit and credit spreads, their bullish or bearish nature, and how to calculate break-even points. • Straddles: Explanation of long and short straddles, with examples of maximum gain and loss. • Bonds: Information on bond yield calculations, including the bond triangle for discount and premium bonds. • Tax and Margin: Key points on tax equivalent yield, margin requirements, and other critical tax-related formulas. • Stock and Option Combos: Strategies involving long and short stocks combined with options for protection or income. • General Tips: Techniques for memorizing key concepts and using the brain dump sheet effectively during the exam. 2. Additional Tips: • Emphasizing the importance of writing and memorizing the brain dump sheet. • Practical advice on using the laminated sheets provided at the testing center. • Specific reminders like the word “except” to avoid common mistakes during the test. • Encouragement to personalize the brain dump sheet based on individual strengths and weaknesses. Try Kindle Unlimited for free ( 30 days) https://amzn.to/3zRo9hA Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBD1Olrt3__F_-sjOeJNb4Q/join Series 7 for Dummies--https://amzn.to/36lmX7r Series 7 for Dummies Questions -- https://amzn.to/352vDiK Series 6 questions-- https://amzn.to/2ToH01j Series 6 book by Wiley -- https://amzn.to/2wpInn9 Michael Lewis ( love his take on finance ) Liars poker https://amzn.to/34J6MQH Flash Boys https://amzn.to/34zVwFU Money Culture https://amzn.to/2JSV6CQ PANIC!! https://amzn.to/2Nlvd0w #Series7exam #sieexam #finra #capitaladvantagetutoring #series7whisperer Ken Finnen Chatham NJ
What is the SIE Exam and should I take it now? #sieexam #finance
The SIE (Securities Industry Essentials) Exam is a basic level exam administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in the United States. It is designed to test an individual's knowledge of the fundamentals of the securities industry, including the structure of the industry, types of products and services, regulatory agencies and their functions, and ethical and legal considerations. The SIE exam is the first step in obtaining a license to work in the securities industry, and is required as a pre-requisite for several other FINRA-administered exams, such as the Series 7 (General Securities Representative) Exam. The SIE exam is a computer-based test that consists of 75 multiple-choice questions, and is offered at FINRA testing centers throughout the year. Capital Advantage Tutoring channel (#1 channel for SIE ands Series 7 Exam ) on Youtube over 300 videos to help you pass the FINRA and Nasaa exams Give Achievable a try (FREE TRIAL) https://achievable.me/#a_aid=capital-advantage If you are looking for a Series 7 top off tutor please visit https://www.series7exam.org Or check out Michael Weiss ( great tutor ) https://www.series7examtutor.com For a 15% discount on STC materials https://www.stcusa.com/referral/capitaladvantage/ Try Kindle Unlimited for free ( 30 days) https://amzn.to/3zRo9hA Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBD1Olrt3__F_-sjOeJNb4Q/join Series 7 for Dummies--https://amzn.to/36lmX7r Series 7 for Dummies Questions -- https://amzn.to/352vDiK Series 6 questions-- https://amzn.to/2ToH01j Series 6 book by Wiley -- https://amzn.to/2wpInn9 Michael Lewis ( love his take on finance ) Liars poker https://amzn.to/34J6MQH Flash Boys https://amzn.to/34zVwFU Money Culture https://amzn.to/2JSV6CQ PANIC!! https://amzn.to/2Nlvd0w Capital Advantage Tutoring. The #1 channel for SIE and Series 7 Exam prep with over 450 Youtube videos to help you pass the FINRA and NASAA exams. Schedule your next session with "Series 7 Whisperer" Ken Finnen or follow him across his socials to find more content to help pass your next exam. https://CapAdvantageTutoring.com/ Twitter: @wallsttutor Instagram: @Series7Whisperer TikTok: Blue Collar Finance @finster1967 Facebook: FINRA Exam Prep #Series7exam #SIEexam #FINRA #CapitalAdvantageTutoring #Series7Whisperer
I Passed the Series 7 Exam Using THIS Options Strategy Guide
In this short video, we break down key options strategies you'll need to know for the Series 7 exam. From basic calls and puts to more advanced strategies like spreads and straddles, we’ll cover the essentials that will help you excel in your test. Whether you’re a candidate preparing for the Series 7 or just looking to sharpen your financial knowledge, this video provides clear, concise explanations and practical tips to ace your exam. **Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more Series 7 exam prep tips!** #Series7 #OptionsStrategies #Finance #Investing #ExamPrep #OptionsTrading --- Feel free to adjust it based on your specific content or style! Capital Advantage Tutoring channel (#1 channel for SIE ands Series 7 Exam ) on Youtube over 300 videos to help you pass the FINRA and Nasaa exams Give Achievable a try (FREE TRIAL) https://achievable.me/#a_aid=capital-advantage If you are looking for a Series 7 top off tutor please visit https://www.series7exam.org Or check out Michael Weiss ( great tutor ) https://www.series7examtutor.com For a 15% discount on STC materials https://www.stcusa.com/referral/capitaladvantage/ Try Kindle Unlimited for free ( 30 days) https://amzn.to/3zRo9hA Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBD1Olrt3__F_-sjOeJNb4Q/join Series 7 for Dummies--https://amzn.to/36lmX7r Series 7 for Dummies Questions -- https://amzn.to/352vDiK Series 6 questions-- https://amzn.to/2ToH01j Series 6 book by Wiley -- https://amzn.to/2wpInn9 Michael Lewis ( love his take on finance ) Liars poker https://amzn.to/34J6MQH Flash Boys https://amzn.to/34zVwFU Money Culture https://amzn.to/2JSV6CQ PANIC!! https://amzn.to/2Nlvd0w #Series7exam #sieexam #finra #capitaladvantagetutoring #series7whisperer Ken Finnen Chatham NJ
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