O AI Checker é um projeto de pesquisa de ponta sobre um AI Cheat Check para a educação. Este AI tem como objetivo detectar e prevenir a trapaça em ambientes educacionais.
Para usar o AI Checker, os usuários precisam integrá-lo às suas plataformas ou sistemas educacionais. Uma vez integrado, o AI analisará automaticamente e sinalizará possíveis instâncias de trapaça com base em vários indicadores.
Aqui está o e-mail de suporte da AICheatCheck para atendimento ao cliente: contact@edulinkai.com .
Link de Linkedin de AICheatCheck: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aicheatcheckbyedukadoai/
Por Elijah em Abril 12 2024
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Escuta de mídias sociais
There’s an AI For That
Edtech Throwdown Episode 173: There’s an AI For That Welcome to the EdTech Throwdown. This is episode 173 called “There’s an AI for That” In this episode, we’ll talk about some more of the many and ever evolving ways that AI is making our teacher lives easier! This is another episode you don’t want to miss. Check it out. Segment 1: PD Reflection Narrative: Back to school and teachers are excited to get started with the year. Several teachers asked if there is an AI tool that will do ________? 1. Brisk Teaching (https://www.briskteaching.com/) 2. Low Resolution Photos Segment 2: AI Tools AI Super-hubs 1. What ai can do today (https://whataicandotoday.com/) 2. AI Tools Directory (https://aitoolsdirectory.com/) 3. AIXPLORIA (https://www.aixploria.com/) Tools 1. TeacherMatic (https://teachermatic.com/) 2. TeacherMatic’s AI generators act like personal assistants for teachers. They make creating classroom materials easy by automatically making things like worksheets, quizzes, and lesson plans. Just tell the app what topic you need, and it does the rest. This way, teachers can save time and spend more of it teaching and connecting with their students. 3. 5 Free uses per day 4. Khanmigo (https://khanmigo.ai/) 5. Ai Cheat Check (https://aicheatcheck.com/) 6. TheChecker.AI accurately distinguishes AI-generated content from authentic work with 99.7% accuracy. 7. Logofast (https://logofa.st/) 8. Logo maker… more like an icon maker 9. Suno (https://suno.com/) 10. Fun classroom music maker 11. https://suno.com/song/0bdc9e46-f232-4940-b59f-b7a212e18b25 12. Monic.ai (http://monic.ai) 13. Upload any study material, create summaries, quizzes, and flashcards in seconds, and practice with scientifically proven methods—all in one powerful platform. 14. 2,500 AI tokens (one-time) Edtech Throwdown: Vote on twitter @edtechthrowdown and under the pinned post on the profile. Segment 3: Where to Find EdTech Throwdown Do us a few favors: 1. Subscribe to the Edtech Throwdown Podcast 2. Apple Podcasts (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gotteched/id1358366637?mt=2) 3. Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/7zyzfCkSDNHkKdqxmh9XLB?si=YhSdMa6BQVmcLHbSrYxE9Q) 4. Amazon Podcasts (https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/a97553d8-f7d7-406c-8597-81d0b9d1f601/edtech-throwdown) 5. Stitcher (https://www.stitcher.com/search?q=gotteched) 6. YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMIQwu39Tkow3kduRQAH85w?view_as=subscriber) 7. Twitter (https://twitter.com/WeGotTechED) 8. Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WeGotTechED/) 9. Write us an Apple Podcast Review! 10. Tell your friends about (http://edtechthrowdown.com) www.edtechthrowdown.com (http://www.edtechthrowdown.com) 11. Tell your friends about the Teach Better Podcast Network Subscribe to our Podcast Channels and Socials • Apple Podcasts (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gotteched/id1358366637?mt=2) • Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/7zyzfCkSDNHkKdqxmh9XLB?si=YhSdMa6BQVmcLHbSrYxE9Q) • YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@edtechthrowdown/podcasts) • Twitter (https://twitter.com/edtechthrowdown) (@edtechthrowdown) • Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555544972690) • Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/edtechthrowdown) Connect with us on Social Media Guise’s Social Media • Twitter (https://twitter.com/guisegotteched) (@guisegotteched) • LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-guise-ed-d-b4464730/) Nick’s Social Media • Twitter (https://twitter.com/nickgotteched) (@nickgotteched) Music Credits: • Intro and Outro Music- American Idle - RKVC (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7M5Y16veCo) • Segment Identifiers- Duck in the Alley - TrackTribe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od6v7iSKaDI) • Edtech Throwdown- Born a Rockstar (Instrumental) - NEFEX (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHeO4mtUIQ4) Need a Presenter? As experienced presenters and content creators, you can contact Nick and Guise to speak at your school, event, or conference. They can customize a workshop that meets your organization’s unique time and content needs. While no topic is out of bounds, we are best known for sessions on: • AI For Teachers, Admin, and Parents • 1:1 Chromebook Integration • EdTech Throwdown • TargetED Learning • Gamification (Badge Systems) • Game-Based Learning (Escape Rooms, Amazing Race, and more) • Google apps and extensions • Personalized learning and Choice Boards • Teacher productivity (Lesson Planning, Online Grading. and Feedback) • Digital content creation • Student Podcasting • Screencasting • Flipped Classroom • Student-Centered Learning