Ambient é um software de IA especialmente desenvolvido para Chefes de Gabinete, Gerentes e Fundadores, oferecendo ganhos de produtividade com Inteligência Artificial que podem economizar até 10 a 15 horas por semana. Ele automatiza a tomada de notas em reuniões, o acompanhamento de ações e a distribuição de cronogramas, permitindo que Chefes de Gabinete se concentrem em tarefas estratégicas. Com seus recursos de IA, o Ambient permite resumos de reuniões eficientes, automatiza a captura e distribuição de ações, próximos passos e cronogramas de projetos, e oferece suporte ao acompanhamento e relatório de projetos interdepartamentais.
Os Chefes de Gabinete podem usar o Ambient para automatizar a tomada de notas em reuniões, capturar e distribuir ações, próximos passos e cronogramas de projetos, e rastrear e relatar projetos interdepartamentais para uma produtividade aprimorada.
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Ambient AI Assistant Nome da empresa: Ambient .
Ambient AI Assistant Endereço da empresa: 765 South Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110 US.
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Escuta de mídias sociais
Battling burnout as a startup founder | Taylor McLoughlin, Ambient co-founder
On this episode of NY Seed Round, Justin speaks with Taylor McLoughlin, a multi-time founder who has personally battled and effectively managed burnout. They tackle the serious issue of 'founder burnout,' identify its significant signs, and discuss practical coping mechanisms. Taylor also introduces Ambient, his latest startup, an AI Assistant purposed to assist Chiefs of Staff with workload management, prevent burnout, and maintain balance within the entrepreneurial universe. Time stamps: 0:43 - What is Ambient? 1:02 - The art of the pivot 3:24 - How designing product roadmaps in the era of Gen AI is like Legos 5:12 - Selling to Chiefs of Staff as an ICP 9:13 - Competing against gorillas like Asana 11:21 - Taylor’s experience with founder burnout 14:21 - Telling signs burnout is impacting you as a founder 16:00 - His response to Sam Altman’s beliefs on burnout 17:15 - Taylor’s tips for tackling burnout without giving up 19:42 - Is burnout a rite of passage for startup success? 22:34 - Taylor’s hack to getting your heart rate down when you’re nervous in the moment 24:12 - Why investors should care about burnout with their portfolio founders 25:53 - Biggest influences in Taylor’s journey as a multi-time founder Links: - Connect with Taylor on LinkedIn: - Learn about Ambient:
How to Use a Chief of Staff for Unprecedented Company Growth
In this episode, executive Lawrence Coburn shares his experiences and advice on effectively using a Chief of Staff, emphasizing trust and strategic planning. He talks about bringing back a former intern, Matt, to fill this critical role during a period of rapid company growth. Lawrence also discusses their AI tool, Ambient, which not only takes notes but identifies owners and next steps, creating a dynamic project dashboard. Hear about their latest feature release which auto-adds forwarded project-related emails to the dashboard. Links Mentioned: • Connect with Lawrence Coburn on LinkedIn: • Learn more about Ambient and their AI solutions at: Free Resources: • Strategic Planning Checklist: • Chief of Staff Skills Assessment Checklist: • A Day in the Life of a Chief of Staff: • Chief of Staff Toolkit: Get in touch with Emily: • Connect on LinkedIn: • Follow on YouTube: • Learn more about coaching: • Sign up for the newsletter: • Clarity Call with Emily: WHO AM I? If we haven’t yet before - Hi👋 I’m Emily, Chief of Staff turned Executive Leadership Coach. After a thrilling ride up the corporate ladder, I’m focusing on what I love - working with people to realize their professional and personal goals. Through my videos here on this channel, books, podcast guest spots, and newsletter, I share new ideas and practical and tactical tools to help you be more productive and build the career and life you want. Time Stamps: 00:45 Introducing Today's Guest: Lawrence Coburn 01:02 The Journey of a Founder and the Impact of a Chief of Staff 02:25 The Story of Double Dutch and the Role of a Chief of Staff 06:59 The Importance of Defining the Chief of Staff Role 12:17 Building Trust and the Evolution of the Chief of Staff Role 15:28 Special Projects and Strategic Initiatives: The Chief of Staff's Domain 17:21 The Ever-Present Challenge of Pricing 17:46 Defining Roles and Responsibilities 18:12 Communicating Roles to the Leadership Team 19:12 The Importance of Having Your Team's Back 21:36 The Unique Trust in a Chief of Staff 23:54 Introducing Ambient: AI for Chiefs of Staff 26:48 Ambient's Features and Future Directions 31:01 The Value of AI in Project Management 34:50 Closing Thoughts and How to Learn More