O Choice AI é uma tecnologia alimentada por IA projetada para capacitar os usuários com controle supremo sobre sua experiência de visualização. Ele fornece curadoria personalizada e streaming sem emendas para consumo responsável de conteúdo, redefinindo o futuro do entretenimento digital.
Para usar o Choice AI, basta entrar na lista de espera para obter acesso antecipado ao plugin Choice e começar a personalizar seu consumo de conteúdo e preferências de visualização.
Aqui está o e-mail de suporte da Choice AI para atendimento ao cliente: admin@choiceai.in . Mais contato, visite a página de contato(https://www.choiceai.in/#Contact-us)
Choice AI Nome da empresa: PanScience Media AI Private Limited .
Choice AI Endereço da empresa: C-9, SDA Market (Opp. to IIT Delhi), New Delhi, 110016.
Mais sobre Choice AI, visite a página sobre nós(https://www.choiceai.in/#About) .
Escuta de mídias sociais
Wanna watch "Rockstar" with your family but feel embarrassed when an explicit scene comes up?
Want to watch "Rockstar" with your family but feel embarrassed when an explicit scene comes up? We've got you covered with CHOICE! Easily skip any categories you don't want to watch. And yes, it's that simple 😉 ! Check out 👉 https://www.choiceai.in/ 👈 to use the extension today.
Choice Walkthrough
We are excited to announce that we have finally started onboarding users for beta testing on our platform! Here is the long-awaited walkthrough of our extension We hope you enjoy it! Our extension enables you to personalize your viewing experience. You can skip or watch specific categories, giving you complete control over your watch experience. And that's just one of the use cases—we're brewing new and exciting things! Sign up and Join the waitlist today! waitlist.choiceai.in #ai #ott #control #censorship
Mirzapur with Parents! 😲What do you think🤔?
Let us know what you about the video below! And visit 👉https://www.choiceai.in/👈 for more info