Clerkie é uma plataforma de gestão de dívidas e dinheiro que ajuda os utilizadores a acompanhar dívidas, construir crédito, negociar reduções de dívida e gerir orçamentos de forma eficaz usando inteligência artificial e automação alimentada por humanos.
Para usar o Clerkie, basta solicitar uma demonstração no site e preencher o formulário. Uma vez registado, pode começar a gerir a sua dívida, otimizar pagamentos e melhorar a sua pontuação de crédito.
Aqui está o e-mail de suporte da Clerkie para atendimento ao cliente: .
Clerkie Nome da empresa: Henry Labs Inc. .
Escuta de mídias sociais
Insights from Founders on AI Innovation with David Blundin and Frazer Anderson | Davos 2025
Ned Koh of Aaru, Guy Assad of Clerkie, and Samir Dutta of Farsight AI sit down with David Blundin and Frazer Anderson of Vestigo Ventures at the 2025 World Economic Forum in Davos to share how they’re leveraging technology and AI innovation to transform industries. In this panel, they discuss: 1. Where the real profits are being generated in AI systems 2. Why timing is everything for entrepreneurs to seize opportunities 3. Strategies for navigating the pace of innovation in AI – To learn more about how Ned is predicting the world’s events with Aaru, visit its website: To learn more about how Guy is automating the full debt life cycle at Clerkie, visit its website: To learn more about how Samir is leveraging AI agents to automate the most complex tasks in financial services with Farsight AI, visit its website: To learn more about how Dave and Frazer are accelerating the AI age in financial services at Vestigo Ventures, visit its website: