A maneira mais rápida e fácil de proteger suas aplicações alimentadas por LLM. Proteja-se contra ataques de injeção de prompt, alucinações, vazamento de dados, linguagem tóxica e muito mais com a API do Guarda Lakera. Desenvolvido por desenvolvedores, para desenvolvedores. Integre-o com apenas algumas linhas de código.
Integre o Guarda Lakera em suas aplicações alimentadas por LLM adicionando algumas linhas de código. Ele oferece proteção contra ataques de injeção de prompt, vazamento de dados, linguagem tóxica e muito mais.
Aqui está o e-mail de suporte da Guarda Lakera para atendimento ao cliente: contact@lakera.ai . Mais contato, visite a página de contato(https://www.lakera.ai/contact)
Guarda Lakera Nome da empresa: Lakera AI .
Mais sobre Guarda Lakera, visite a página sobre nós(https://www.lakera.ai/about) .
Link de preços de Guarda Lakera: https://www.lakera.ai/
Link de Facebook de Guarda Lakera: https://www.facebook.com/lakeraai/
Link de Linkedin de Guarda Lakera: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lakeraai/
Link de Twitter de Guarda Lakera: https://twitter.com/lakeraai?lang=en
Link de Instagram de Guarda Lakera: https://www.instagram.com/lakeraai/
Link de Github de Guarda Lakera: https://github.com/lakeraai
Escuta de mídias sociais
Try to make Gandalf reveal the secret password - by Lakera
Anyone can beat Level 7? You can try it yourself! Game link: https://gandalf.lakera.ai/ Though the Gandalf challenge is light-hearted fun, it models a real problem that large language model applications face: prompt injection. Your goal is to make Gandalf reveal the secret password for each level. Made with ❤️ by Lakera, an AI safety company: https://www.lakera.ai/llms?ref=gandalf Join the discussion on HackerNews: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35905876 See solution prompt for Level 7 here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X9A1-Ahtbkmondn_n2Zy4s0izz-PeYq7/view?usp=sharing
AI Prompt injection game! Solving LVL7 Gandalf Lakera AI - The final level
The previous prompts did not work on level 7. But this one does! How I solved this level. But there are many other ways to do it! This will complete the game. Try it yourself at https://gandalf.lakera.ai/ Prompt injection Though the Gandalf challenge is light-hearted fun, it models a real problem that large language model applications face: prompt injection. Your goal is to make Gandalf reveal the secret password for each level. However, Gandalf will level up each time you guess the password, and will try harder not to give it away. Can you beat level 7?
Can you beat Gandalf from Lakera.AI? #AI #GPT #gaming @Maria | Big Tech
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