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Escuta de mídias sociais
6 AI Tools I Use to Boost My Productivity
Check out Notion AI by signing up to Notion here: https://ntn.so/aliai. Thanks to Notion for sponsoring this video. ChatGPT and other AI tools have been taking over the internet in the last few months, and I've been integrating them into my workflow to boost my productivity as much as possible. So in this video I go through 6 of my favourite AI tools that I use to boost my productivity. ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/chat Speechify with Discount Code - https://speechify.com/ali/ Otter.ai: https://go.aliabdaal.com/otter Lex AI: https://lex.page/ Grain AI: https://grain.com/ 📕 Check out the Pathless Path here: https://geni.us/pathlesspath 🎙 Check out my Deep Dive podcast episode with Cliff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfALZJcurZw 🍿WATCH NEXT: 7 Habits that Save Me 3+ Hours a Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXP5fUfBGQQ 12 Productivity Myths Wasting Your Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc4GU_wHdqw How I Manage My Time (10 tips): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iONDebHX9qk 5 Tips for Long Lasting Productivity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbSNfj2S6Pw 💌 Sign up to my free weekly email newsletter - https://go.aliabdaal.com/subscribe-sundaysnippets MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: 🚀 Productivity Masterclass - Principles and Tools to Boost Your Productivity - https://go.aliabdaal.com/course/productivity 🎓 How to Study for Exams - An Evidence-Based Masterclass - https://go.aliabdaal.com/course/studying 🎬 YouTube for Beginners - Everything You Need To Know To Start - https://go.aliabdaal.com/course/YouTube-for-Beginners MY CREATOR COURSES 🎬 Check out my free 7 day email course on how to become a part-time YouTuber: https://aliabdaal.com/part-time-youtuber-crash-course/ 🏆 Creatorpreneur - My flagship course for scaling up your creative side-hustle → https://creatorpreneur.academy/course 🗣 Camera Confidence - My self-paced course on how to improve your creativity, career, or communication skills → https://cameraconfidence.aliabdaal.com/ MY FAVOURITE GEAR 🧑💻My MacBook Skin (& other tech): https://dbrand.com/palettes 🎥 My YouTube Camera Gear - https://kit.co/AliAbdaal ⌨️ My Keyboard - Wireless Coral mechanical keyboard (Cherry Blue) -https://go.aliabdaal.com/keyboard 📝 My favourite iPad Screen Protector - Paperlike - https://go.aliabdaal.com/paperlike 🎒 My Desk Accessories + Todo List - Ugmonk - https://go.aliabdaal.com/ugmonk MY FAVOURITE TOOLS 🚀 VidIQ - How I optimise my YouTube videos - https://go.aliabdaal.com/vidiq ✍️ Shortform - The BEST summaries of books - https://go.aliabdaal.com/shortform 📚 Readwise - How I remember what I read - https://go.aliabdaal.com/readwise 🎵 Epidemic Sound - Where I get my music (amazing for YouTubers) - https://go.aliabdaal.com/epidemicsound MY KEY LINKS 🌍 My website / blog - https://www.aliabdaal.com/ 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/aliabdaal 📸 Instagram - https://instagram.com/aliabdaal WHO AM I: I’m Ali, a YouTuber, podcaster, soon-to-be author and ex-Doctor working in London, UK. I make videos that explore the strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. I also have a weekly podcast called Deep Dive (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfo46ZNOV-vtehDc25A1Ug), and I write a weekly email newsletter that contains some quick thoughts + links to interesting things (https://go.aliabdaal.com/subscribe-sundaysnippets). PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜 ⌚️Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:24 ChatGPT 4:19 Notion AI 9:20 Speechify 11:16 Lex 13:00 Grain 14:22 Otter.ai
9 Herramientas con Inteligencia Artificial que DEBES PROBAR
🎈Ugreen 9 in 1 USB-C Docking Station: https://amzn.to/3GWyGhi ✌️Utiliza el código 05UGREEN20 + Cupón para conseguir 29% Descuento. En este video te algunas Herramientas con Inteligencia Artificial que puedes utilizar GRATIS ahora mismo. Todas estas herramientas son útiles de alguna forma, así que seguro encontrarás alguna que te ayudará en tu día a día: 00:00 - Intro 00:21 - Herramienta IA #1 https://podcast.adobe.com/enhance 00:55 - Herramienta IA #2 https://leonardo.ai/ 01:35 - Herramienta IA #3 & #4 https://bigjpg.com/ https://replicate.com/nightmareai/real-esrgan 02:26 - Patrocinador 03:09 - Herramienta IA #5 https://bit.ly/kaibernew 03:46 - Herramienta IA #6 https://bit.ly/RaskAI 04:15 - Herramienta IA #7 https://beta.elevenlabs.io/ 04:41 - Herramienta IA #8 https://lex.page/ 05:20 - Herramienta IA #9 & #10 https://www.reimaginehome.ai/ https://www.roomgpt.io/ ►LOS MEJORES MÓVILES DE GAMA MEDIA: https://newesc.com/mejores-smartphones-moviles-gama-media/ ►LOS MEJORES MÓVILES ANDROID: https://newesc.com/top-mejores-moviles-smartphones-android-2023/ ♥DATE DE ALTA EN LOS SORTEOS♥ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeFKlndunoxqZ3TOT-V39GiJ_6uq1ZkyuaeJQpg0PKf59H3-A/viewform?usp=sf_link 📽️Video Editado por Juan Camilo ---------------- 📹MI EQUIPO DE VIDEO https://amzn.to/2SRRW3K 📱 Wallpapers de NewEsc http://bit.ly/newescwallpapers ---------------- ►REDES SOCIALES: 📘 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/New3sc/ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/New3sc/ 🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/New3sc 🙈TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@newesc 🟪Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/new3sc *En algunos casos pondré enlaces de afiliados con los cuales ganaré una pequeñisima comisión caso hagas la compra del producto. Esto no presupone ningún coste extra para ti, pero me ayuda a seguir creando contenido :) #inteligenciaartificial #ia #Ugreen
Here’s the Lex on latent space: https://lex.page/read/6724d526-c2bb-404d-9fc8-f1ed0907826a In this video, I’m breaking down the concept of latent space—think of it like the matrix, with numbers flashing on a 3D map, representing concepts like “Tiger” or “Leopard.” Those numbers don’t just sit there; they relate to each other, like how similar concepts are placed close together on this conceptual map. Now, imagine Neo from The Matrix as a well-formed prompt. He’s navigating this massive map of concepts, and the clearer his path (or in our case, the clearer your prompt), the better the AI finds exactly what you need. If your prompt is vague, the compass wobbles, and the AI struggles to lock onto the right information. This is where Lex comes in—it’s an incredible tool that helps you craft those well-formed prompts. Lex uses structured prompt guides that act like a GPS for AI, pointing you directly to the best definitions, concepts, or even entire articles. Whether you’re building something technical or drafting content, Lex keeps you on track, helping you navigate the complex landscape of latent space with precision. It’s not just about generating text—it’s about guiding the AI to provide the best, most relevant information, thanks to the clarity of your prompt. So next time you need AI help, think about how your prompt directs the AI, and consider tools like Lex that make navigating this matrix a lot easier. #latent #space #latentspace #matrix #neo #lex #llm #defined #concept #easy #explained #hack #hacks #product #productmanager #productmanagement #startup #business #openai #microsoft #google #gemini #anthropic #claude #llama #meta #nvidia #career #careeradvice #mentor #mentorship #mentortiktok #mentortok #careertok #job #jobadvice #future #2024 #story #news #dev #coding #code #engineering #engineer #coder #sales #cs #marketing #agent #work #workflow #smart #thinking #strategy #cool #real #jobtips #hack #hacks #tip #tips #tech #techtok #techtiktok #openaidevday #aiupdates #techtrends #voiceAI #developerlife
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