MarsCode fornece um IDE com um Assistente de IA integrado e extensões que suportam mais de 100 linguagens e IDEs principais.
Inicialize o ambiente de desenvolvimento com um clique no navegador e aproveite o Assistente de IA para codificação e implantação rápidas.
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Escuta de mídias sociais
AI Yang Bisa Auto Deployment, Auto Fix & Ngasih Domain Publik Gratis!
Lagi dan lagi AI GRATISAN yang bisa kalian pake tanpa perlu install apapun. Bahkan bisa sampai publish projek secara otomatis dan dikasih preview public domain gratis 🔥 Hasil domain gratis dari marscode: Link nya: saingan cursor AI: Transfer DONASI: Join this channel to get access to perks: #programming #tutorial #coding Instagram: backsound: ================= 💌 Email (for business) 💌 ================== 🔻🔻🔻 SUBSCRIBE 🔻🔻🔻 For More Update 🔺🔺🔺LONCENGNYA 🔺🔺🔺
Introducing MarsCode, the First AI Cloud IDE
MarsCode is an AI-powered Cloud IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The built-in AI Assistant and the out-of-the-box development environment let you focus more on the development of various projects. For those who still want to use their local IDE, we also provide IDE extension which supports 100+ programming languages and mainstream IDEs, providing suggestions for writing single lines of code or entire functions during the coding process. Additionally, it supports auxiliary features such as code explanations, code reviews, and issue fixes, enhancing coding efficiency and quality. Website: discord:
Lesson 1 Part 1: Python Programming + Mathematics(Developed On MarsCode IDE -
Lesson 1 Objectives:- In this lesson, you will learn the following Python programming concepts. 1. Basic Python Syntax and Import Libraries 2. Function and Data Structures 3. Logical operators and if statements 4. For and While Loop Structures 5. String Methods and Data Type Casting 6. Math Arithmetic Operators 7. Math Functions 8. ASCII Art, ANSI Escape Color Codes
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