Aprenda um idioma
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Plano Gratuito
Cursos oficiais para 23 idiomas, vídeos de frases usadas na vida real, testes gamificados, planos de revisão personalizados, sincronização entre dispositivos
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Escuta de mídias sociais
How Memrise works 🎬
Learn a language like you were living there👇 https://memri.se/33d ------ In order to actually get good at a language, we help you do 3️⃣ things: 📚 Learn - we teach you the words and phrases the locals actually use. 📺 Immerse - watch content in the target language that is filtered exactly to your skill level. 🗣️ Communicate - practice talking in a new language without fear of ever being judged. #memrise #languagelearning #languageimmersion
Memrise: Language learning that brings the country to you
Join over 65 million people and get fluent without catching a flight! - Use content from across the world to create a journey based on your interests - Watch thousands of videos about the things you love - Learn vocabulary to unlock more videos - Get comfortable speaking, with the world's first AI language partner: Membot, powered by GPT-3 Get started today: https://memri.se/learnmore
What is MemBot? Meet the world's first AI Language Partner, from Memrise!
Learn, Immerse, Communicate! Join over 65 million people and get fluent without catching a flight. In this video, Memrise Co-founder Greg introduces us to the world's first AI Language Partner, MemBot! Check out MemBot by signing up to Memrise at the link below and clicking on the 'Communicate' tab: https://memri.se/332
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