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Escuta de mídias sociais
If Only I Knew This About "AI SaaS" 2 Years Ago
Follow Ramsri Goutham Golla's work here: AI SaaS: Generate Questions with AI - AI Memes - Social Media: Twitter - Linkedin - Open Source: ❤️ If you want to support the channel ❤️ Support here: Patreon - Ko-Fi - 🧭 Follow me on 🧭 Twitter - Linkedin -
ATLS-30 | Building a Bootstrapped AI SaaS | Ramsri Goutham Golla, &
AAII Technical Lecture Series (ATLS) - 30 Title: Building a Bootstrapped AI SaaS in the Generative AI Era with No Employees: Insights from a Founder's Journey to $100K ARR Speaker: Ramsri Goutham Golla, [MS (ASU, US)], Founder at and, Fractional Developer Advocate at Date: 6 January 2024 Time: 7 PM (IST) RSVP now and submit your question for the speaker: Abstract: In the era of generative AI, building a SaaS has fundamentally changed. The technology stack, tools, pricing, and ideas all require rethinking for users in this generative AI era. In this talk, Ramsri, who developed two AI SaaS applications— and, achieving $100k in combined Annual Recurring Revenue, will guide us through his journey. He'll share insights on how to build an AI SaaS during the generative AI revolution. LinkedIn: #aaiiaxom #AI #machinelearning #datascience #artificialintelligence #deeplearning #technology #ann #fintech #aisaas #saas #generativeai
AI EXPERT Weighs in on Micro Saas (Why It's NOT Profitable) & Building an INNOVATIVE Product Mindset
Welcome to AI Portfolio Podcast Episode 13. Ramsri, an AI expert with 12+ years of experience in AI and product development, specializing in computer vision and NLP. Ramsri is the founder of and, innovative NLP SaaS apps. He also teaches NLP and AI SaaS courses at LearnNLP Academy and shares insights on Medium, Twitter, and YouTube. 📲 Ramsri Goutham Golla Socials: LinkedIn: Twitter: 📲 Mark Moyou, PhD Socials: LinkedIn: Twitter: 📗 Chapters 00:00 Intro 02:43 Bootstrapping Two Companies 05:09 PhD and Entrepreneurship 08:11 Overview of Companies 09:53 Memes 12:23 Bootstrapping Startups 22:27 Minimalistic Philosophy for Startups 25:47 Building Distribution through Personal Brand 34:39 Saas vs Micro Saas 40:15 Happy Place 47:51 Major Components of AI SaaS apps 54:04 Open Source Models vs API 58:26 Getting Featured in Google 01:08:17 Coming back to India 01:17:36 Takeaways from Silicon Valley 01:32:48 Company of one 01:35:39 Number One on Product Hunt 01:45:25 Generalize High Cognition Barrier 01:53:15 Mistakes in building Saas 01:59:17 Unfair Advantage 02:01:53 Advice for launching micro SaaS apps 02:05:09 If you have to start over 02:08:36 Advice for high schooler, college student and professionals 02:22:17 Rapid Round ________ Follow/Connect: LinkedIn: ________ LIKE. SHARE. SUBSCRIBE. Give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed watching 👍 #ai #podcast #innovation Thanks for watching the video AI EXPERT Weighs in on Micro Saas (Why It's NOT Profitable) & Building an INNOVATIVE Product Mindset
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