Riku.AI é uma plataforma que permite aos usuários construir modelos de IA sem programação. Oferece soluções de IA acessíveis a indivíduos e empresas, fornecendo integrações, acesso à API e links públicos de compartilhamento.
Para usar o Riku.AI, basta se inscrever em uma conta no site. Uma vez registrado, você pode começar a construir modelos de IA sem escrever nenhum código. O Riku.AI oferece várias funcionalidades e integrações que permitem a criação e treinamento de modelos de IA. Você pode então usar os modelos de IA por meio de integrações, API ou compartilhando links públicos.
Mais contato, visite a página de contato(https://www.riku.ai/contact-us)
Riku.AI Nome da empresa: Riku AI LLC .
Mais sobre Riku.AI, visite a página sobre nós(https://www.riku.ai/about-us/our-story) .
Link de login de Riku.AI: https://app.riku.ai/v2_login?nav=LoginMAGIC
Riku.AI Link de inscrição: https://www.riku.ai/pricing
Link de preços de Riku.AI: https://www.riku.ai/pricing
Link de Facebook de Riku.AI: https://www.facebook.com/groups/533283571187905/
Link de Youtube de Riku.AI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5wP-05BB6kCul4yGXjPB0A/videos
Escuta de mídias sociais
Нейросети как инструмент для программистов
🔥 Научись создавать нейросети: https://go.skillfactory.ru/f-SFGQ Скидка на обучение -45% по промокоду ЛАРЧЕНКО Инструменты на основе нейросетей доступны абсолютно каждому. Это и голосовые помощники, и камеры в телефонах, и многое другое. Но инструментов для разработчиков, которые использовали бы искусственный интеллект не так много. Сразу можно вспомнить Github Copilot и ChatGPT, но в этом видео я вам расскажу о еще 5 инструментах, которые могут помочь в программировании. Таймкоды: 00:00 Начало 02:05 Научись создавать нейросети со Skillfactory 03:37 Tabnine – дополнение кода https://www.tabnine.com/ 04:40 Stenography – генерация документации https://stenography.dev 05:42 Riku – no-code генератор запросов к нейросетям https://riku.ai 06:53 AiHelperBot – создание SQL-запросов к базам данных https://aihelperbot.com 08:02 What the Diff – код-ревью для ваших проектов https://whatthediff.ai 09:43 Конец Реклама ООО Скилфэктори erid:Pb3XmBtzswFgTSfkSFLJ8M31eMxNtDJhL9JEUN2 Выразить благодарность https://ko-fi.com/larchanka https://boosty.to/larchanka ETH: 0x1857CE1a3D488b9666503D7fcD5cbE3f696e86f3 USDT (TRC20): TBT2EyEEF5nJKJ73PNnyWgJmKhnWAjms3F TON: UQBDiFGDTLpp1zWLefv0LnH9TbEeUIcPSoO5uDNwhzktKP33 Как я стал программистом https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDuXZAA-_vI Как я переехал в Европу https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpZHUtapEzI Стрим: Карьера программиста https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmATiiywqdE VPN, который я использую https://surfshark.club/friend/fUXc3NQd ➡️ Сайт: https://i.mobila.name/xT ➡️ Instagram: https://i.mobila.name/yp ➡️ Twitter: https://i.mobila.name/Ua ➡️ Telegram: https://i.mobila.name/b7d 👉🏻 Больше влогов здесь: #larchankavlog #larchanka 👉🏻 Ежедневные влоги: #larchankadaily 👉🏻 Чем я снимаю: ➡️ iPhone 14 Pro https://ya.cc/m/UcEcRy0 ➡️ Камера: Canon EOS 200D https://ya.cc/Ps7fY ➡️ Широкоугольный объектив: Canon EF-S 10-18 https://ya.cc/Ps7eF ➡️ Еще одна камера: DJi Osmo Action https://ya.cc/Ps7gH ➡️ Еще одна камера: Sony DSC-WX500 ➡️ И еще одна: SJCam SJ6 Legend https://ya.cc/Ps7hJ ➡️ Микрофон: Rode Video Mic https://ya.cc/Ps7i3 ➡️ Штатив: Joby Gorillapod https://ya.cc/Ps7iP Музыка: Manhattan Mystery - Stationary Sign
Use ChatGPT in Riku Today! Integration is Live.
We've worked super quick to add the ChatGPT API to Riku. You can try it out if you are a user directly here - https://riku.ai/custom-chatgpt-studio. It is super simple to use and to stress - this is a beta release so will only improve from here. Being able to setup multiple sessions of conversation and easily toggle between them is fantastic for testing and trying different things! Something we are all about at Riku. If you are interested in testing, exploring, enjoying and deploying the best of AI, consider signing up for Riku today at https://riku.ai. If you want to join a likeminded community of prompt builders and AI enthusiasts, consider joining our FB group here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/533283571187905
Create Standalone Chat Apps without Code using ChatGPT & GPT-4
Creating a Chat App you can share with your users, team, contractors or anyone else without code and password protection is here! Riku.ai has enabled the seamless creation and sharing of your chat apps with AI today. We're all about making large language models and AI accessible to everyone whether you code or not. Our standalone chat app announcement today puts us further down the road of making things accessible as possible with whitelabel coming super soon. Try it out for yourself today at https://riku.ai and if you fancied learning more about AI and trying all of the best large language models in a single place, consider signing up and joining our growing Facebook community (https://www.facebook.com/groups/533283571187905).
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