R.test é uma plataforma de teste de diagnóstico alimentada por IA que avalia a prontidão dos estudantes para os testes. Nossa missão é eliminar a ineficiência e a desigualdade da indústria de preparação para testes, tornando as avaliações mais adaptativas, acessíveis e confiáveis.
Para usar o R.test, basta se inscrever em nosso site e escolher o teste desejado (SAT, ACT, PSAT/NMSQT, AP). Faça o teste de diagnóstico, que é projetado para avaliar a sua prontidão para o teste. Você receberá um relatório detalhado destacando seus pontos fortes e áreas de melhoria. Use este relatório para focar seus estudos e acompanhar seu progresso.
Aqui está o Reddit de R.test: https://www.reddit.com/r/rtestofficial/
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Aqui está o e-mail de suporte da R.test para atendimento ao cliente: contactus@rtest.ai .
R.test Nome da empresa: Riiid, Inc. .
R.test Endereço da empresa: 521, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea.
Mais sobre R.test, visite a página sobre nós(https://www.rtest.ai/why) .
Link de Facebook de R.test: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092348974700
Link de Youtube de R.test: https://www.youtube.com/@rtest
Link de Tiktok de R.test: https://www.tiktok.com/@r.test_official
Link de Instagram de R.test: https://www.instagram.com/r.test_official/?next=%2F
Link de Reddit de R.test: https://www.reddit.com/r/rtestofficial/
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My Ultimate Guide to the ACT/SAT - *best* tricks w/ MINIMAL studying 🔥 ~ Ace the ACT/SAT with R.test! : https://www.rtest.ai/?from=wamy#available-exam 💰Save 25% with my code: WAMY #sat #act #rtest #standardizedtesting #college #collegeadmissions #collegeapplications Digital SAT R.test SAT ACT
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R.test: https://www.rtest.ai Are you wondering how well you will do on the new Digital SAT? Check out our Digital SAT diagnostic test and get TEN actionable insights. Predict your Digital SAT score NOW https://www.rtest.ai/exam/DSAT?referr... SUBSCRIBE to our channel for the latest updates / @rtest R.test is an AI-powered diagnostic test platform that evaluates student’s test readiness. Our mission is to get rid of inefficiency and inequality from test prep industry by making assessments more adaptive, accessible, and reliable. We strive to help students study more efficiently, effectively, and systematically so that they can use their resources to their maximum. If you’re planning on taking current paper SAT and/or ACT, experience our FREE diagnostic tests and get the most personalized insights on your test performance! Link: https://www.rtest.ai If you want to learn more about our technology, please visit our website: https://riiid.com/ 🙋♀️ 00:00 Greetings 📓 00:10 Recap ❓ 00:30 Section and Question Changes 🔠 00:59 Word Count and Passage Format ⌛️ 01:41 Time and Pacing 📗 01:54 Topics on the Reading and Writing Section 🆕 02:08 New topics added to the Reading and Writing Section 📚02:28 Four Question Types (Domains) ➕03:30 Coming next: Math #DigitalSAT #SAT #Rtest #CAT #adaptivetesting SAT® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website.
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