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Por Lucy em Maio 16 2024
Descubra como as redes sociais remodelaram a vida: 10 insights fascinantes o aguardam!
Escuta de mídias sociais
Sevan Bomar reveals the ULTIMATE CODE to the Matrix
Start Your Quest https://discord.gg/cVwXBHr3AB Secret Energy https://secretenergy.com Mentorship https://geni.us/ambassadors Apothecary https://store.secretenergy.com Sibyl AI https://sibyls.ai Wealthybot https://wealthybot.io #sevanbomar #astralquest #wholeness #secretenergy #metaphysics #consciousness #dreamengine Track: "The Matrix" By: Mehtah Superhuman Technologies Supreme Hydration https://geni.us/hydration 15% off Coupon ASTRALQUEST The Human Charger https://geni.us/humancharger $60 Off Coupon SEVANBOMAR Hydrogen+ Water https://geni.us/hydrolux Mentorship https://geni.us/ambassadors Sevan on Social Media Instagram: https://instagram.com/astralquest FB: https://www.facebook.com/secretenergy/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wholeness/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/secretenergy/ 0:00 Intro & Honoring the Moment 3:39 Sovereign Lounge Session Format 7:01 The Power of Broadcasting a Message 10:13 Redefining Death & the Afterlife 18:03 Bringing Back Lost Original Knowledge 24:58 Language: A Living Master Symbol 32:11 Language Matrixes in Human Minds 39:18 Generating Queries to Analyze Patterns 47:53 Sharing the Message Despite Distractions 54:45 Mastering Language to Master Reality
Sevan Bomar Proves How the Aura REALLY Works
Start Your Quest https://discord.gg/cVwXBHr3AB Secret Energy https://secretenergy.com Mentorship https://geni.us/ambassadors Apothecary https://store.secretenergy.com Sibyl AI https://sibyls.ai Wealthybot https://wealthybot.io #sevanbomar #astralquest #wholeness #secretenergy #metaphysics #consciousness #dreamengine Superhuman Technologies Supreme Hydration https://geni.us/hydration 15% off Coupon ASTRALQUEST The Human Charger https://geni.us/humancharger $60 Off Coupon SEVANBOMAR Hydrogen+ Water https://geni.us/hydrolux Mentorship https://geni.us/ambassadors Sevan on Social Media Instagram: https://instagram.com/astralquest FB: https://www.facebook.com/thesecretenergy/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wholeness/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/secretenergy/ 00:00 Introduction to life's biggest secret 02:28 The formulation from nothing to something 11:07 Designing the mold for manifestation 13:51 No real pictures of DNA exist 18:54 The visible light spectrum is a thin sliver 22:54 Infrared and ultraviolet bookend the visible spectrum 27:54 The invisible light body affects the physical host 31:35 Top-down systems and perception beyond the visible 35:07 Magnets, bioenergetics and energy channels 37:56 Earth as a body with ley lines like the human energy field
Sevan Bomar Shows How to Contact Your Higher Self
Start Your Quest https://discord.gg/cVwXBHr3AB Secret Energy https://secretenergy.com Mentorship https://geni.us/ambassadors Apothecary https://store.secretenergy.com Sibyl AI https://sibyls.ai Wealthybot https://wealthybot.io #sevanbomar #astralquest #wholeness #secretenergy #metaphysics #consciousness #dreamengine Superhuman Technologies Supreme Hydration https://geni.us/hydration 15% off Coupon ASTRALQUEST The Human Charger https://geni.us/humancharger $60 Off Coupon SEVANBOMAR Hydrogen+ Water https://geni.us/hydrolux Mentorship https://geni.us/ambassadors Sevan on Social Media Instagram: https://instagram.com/astralquest FB: https://www.facebook.com/thesecretenergy/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wholeness/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/secretenergy/ [00:00] Understanding Partial Knowledge [00:14] Learn with Known Integers [00:28] High Frequencies Misconception [00:41] Inner Verity Exclusive Content [00:55] Secret Energy TV Promotion [01:12] Research Trauma Effects [01:27] Fight or Flight, Freeze [02:35] Lasting Traumatic Memories [03:00] Brain Rewires from Trauma [03:27] Beyond Physical Strengthening [03:40] Train Heart and Brain [03:55] New Level Instructions [04:08] Don't Forget First Steps [04:21] Heart-Brain Connection [04:36] Basic Effective Techniques [25:13] Explaining Gamma Waves [26:22] Awareness in Gamma State [26:36] Gamma is Everything [26:49] Frequencies and Disruptions [31:08] Psychoactive Substances Warning [31:35] Mastery of Gamma Zone
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