Shown fornece soluções automáticas de anúncios para empresas. Crie campanhas modernas com as melhores práticas.
Deixe a IA administrar seus anúncios e atrair mais clientes sem esforço. Lance facilmente seus anúncios em todos os principais canais, observe-os serem otimizados automaticamente e obtenha os melhores resultados para seus negócios.
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Por Taiba Hasan em Março 31 2024
Crie Anúncios Poderosos com IA! Impulsione suas campanhas com as 12 ferramentas de geração de anúncios da Toolify AI. Experimente agora!
Escuta de mídias sociais
This AI tool could potentially replace a whole lot of agencies and consultants, and I’m going to show you exactly how to use it. First, head to and sign up for an account. Once signed up, the platform will ask a few questions about your business. Select your advertising goal, objective, like increasing website traffic. Fill out your details, such as language, location, and campaign name. will now suggest the best advertising platform—for this example let’s go with Google Ads as recommended. It will now generate ad variations and keywords for us. If we’re unsure about the budget, Shown also provides valuable recommendations. Now all we gotta do is set up our billing details and hit publish. Shown handles everything, from ad creation to optimisation. Not only can it set your ads up in literally minutes, but it also generates assets like ad copy and creatives making your campaigns look professional and perform at a high level. includes its own pixel for conversion tracking. This allows you to track all results and actions in one place, providing detailed insights into our campaign performance. With various integrations like Shopify and WordPress, it makes the process seamless. In just a few minutes, you’ve got a fully optimised ad campaign ready to go. makes advertising simple yet effective. Try it out yourself and see how much easier managing your ads can be! #ai #aitools #digitalmarketing #shown #metaads #googleads Honest Review - Watch Before Using
This video is about: ▶ Honest Review - Watch Before Using Useful links: • Shopify for 1$ ▶ • SurfShark VPN (3 mo. EXTRA) ▶ • Best eSIM (10% off in cart) ▶ • Wise (Sign up bonus) ▶ • Revolut (Sign up bonus) ▶ Hope it was helpfull. Subscribe and Like! - Wordpress integration - demo video
Demo video on how to integrate shown with your WordPress / WooCommerce website.
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