A suíte completa para criar conteúdo profissional + UGC, gerenciar a criatividade de seus produtos e medir sua performance.
Explore nossas ferramentas de AI e comece gratuitamente. Faça upload de imagens, redimensione, mude o fundo, adicione sombras, adicione texto, desfoque o fundo e muito mais.
Mais contato, visite a página de contato(https://soona.co/contact-us)
soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform Nome da empresa: soona .
Mais sobre soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform, visite a página sobre nós(https://soona.co/about) .
Link de login de soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform: https://book.soona.co/users/sign_in#/?account_creation_source=sign_in
soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform Link de inscrição: https://book.soona.co/#/book?account_creation_source=booking
Link de preços de soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform: https://soona.co/pricing
Link de Facebook de soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform: https://www.facebook.com/soonastudios/
Link de Youtube de soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform: https://www.youtube.com/c/soona
Link de Tiktok de soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform: https://www.tiktok.com/@soonastudios
Link de Instagram de soona's AI Tools & Creative Platform: https://www.instagram.com/soonastudios/?hl=en
Por Carlisle em Maio 22 2024
Desbloqueie a fama viral: 7 dicas para vídeos UGC cativantes!
Escuta de mídias sociais
Channeling my inner mermaid, but ending up as a soggy mess. 🧜♀️💦 #photography
Book Now: https://soona.co/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soonastudios/?hl=en Email: hey@soona.co LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/soona/?viewAsMember=true
FREE 17 Hour Amazon FBA Beginner Course (2025)
Apply to join our e-commerce community 👇: https://go.honestfba.com/apply-now2?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=ATJ&utm_content=271024megavid VIDEO CHAPTERS ARE BELOW. ⭐ Watch the full 17 hour course here: https://go.honestfba.com/megacourse?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=ATJ&utm_content=271024megavid Learn about our viral content community 👇 https://honestcreators.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=ATJ&utm_content=271024megavid ⭐️ Get 20% off Helium10: http://www.bit.ly/honesth10 Follow us on Instagram 👇 https://www.instagram.com/the_alex_db/ Learn more about Moonads (Joshua's PPC agency) https://calendly.com/moonadsjoshua/moonads-discovery-call-clone Learn more about Michael Specian and Scaleport: https://link.scaleport.io/HonestFBA Get an A* Amazon listing fro CVR studios: https://calendly.com/hello-cvr-studios/30min Get 50% off Data Dive: https://datadive.tools/join/honestfba/ Get free photos done with Soona: https://try.soona.co/honestfba Get Fastmoss free for 7 days (Tiktok product research tool) 👇 https://www.bit.ly/honestfm Get Kalodata (Tiktok Product research tool) 👇 https://www.bit.ly/honestk Get 10% off Scale Insights (PPC tool) for life: https://scaleinsights.com/honest-fba 🛠️ Get our free Amazon FBA toolkit (calculators, checklists & more) here: https://go.honestfba.com/fbatools/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=ATJ&utm_content=271024megavid Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:01:58 Who are we? 00:11:46 Amazon FBA Models explained 00:24:27 How much does it cost to start? 00:58:48 Setting up your Amazon account 01:46:26 Getting started with Helium10 01:56:00 Amazon FBA fees explained 02:25:19 Product Research: The fundamentals 02:37:31 Live product research 03:17:36 Alternative ways to find products 03:38:21 CASE STUDY: Revealing the product 03:54:19 CASE STUDY: Branding the product 04:12:59 GUEST VIDEO: Data Dive KW Research 05:05:28 How to make viral Tiktok content 05:12:49 Sourcing products in China 05:46:52 Sourcing products in USA and EU 06:03:05 How much stock should you order? 06:11:23 Negotiating with suppliers 06:30:56 Chinese New year and Inspections 06:40:07 Shipping your products (Duties etc) 07:09:53: Packaging and Barcodes 07:21:48 Working out profit margins (Economics) 07:42:59 CASE STUDY: Product Photos with Soona 08:30:37 CASE STUDY: Branding and Logo design 08:51:17 Doing keyword research with Helium10 09:16:36 Building Amazon listings 09:48:13 Using Viral content to promote brands 10:00:42 How to do product launches with PPC 10:44:36 GUEST: Advanced PPC with Moonads 11:30:24 GUEST: Scaling with systems with Michal Specian 11:52:22 THE END #amazonfba #amazonfbauk #ecommerce
soona acquires Trend 🤝
exciting news! 🎉 we officially acquired Trend.io - a platform that connects brands with content creators to create authentic user-generated content. at soona, we have helped more than 15K brands and merchants get professional product photos and videos at an accessible cost in less than 24 hours. together we're making it easier than ever for businesses to create any type of high-quality content and reach their target audience. stay tuned for what's next! 🚀 read more about the Trend acquisition at soona.co/trend! get started today at: www.soona.co www.trend.io Book Now: https://soona.co/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soonastudios/?hl=en Email: hey@soona.co LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/soona/?viewAsMember=true
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