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Automatize o alcance a frio por e-mail, Linkedin e Twitter. Aquecimento ilimitado, validação, caixa de entrada unificada, rotação de remetente, imagens personalizadas e mensagens curtas, e IP dedicado do Linkedin.
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Nov 18 2023
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Super Send Informações do produto

O que é Super Send?

Super Send é um software de prospecção a frio que ajuda você a automatizar o alcance por e-mail, Linkedin e Twitter. Ele oferece recursos como aquecimento ilimitado de e-mail, validação de e-mail, caixa de entrada unificada, rotação de remetente, imagens personalizadas e mensagens curtas, e um IP dedicado do Linkedin.

Como usar Super Send?

Para usar o Super Send, você pode começar se inscrevendo para um teste gratuito de 14 dias. Uma vez registrado, você pode criar sequências complexas de gotejamento multi-canal usando os vários recursos de automação fornecidos. Você pode automatizar o alcance a frio via e-mail, Linkedin e Twitter, com opções de aquecimento de e-mail, validação de e-mail, rotação de caixa de entrada, escritor de IA e muito mais.

Principais recursos da Super Send

Aquecimento Ilimitado de E-mail

Validação Ilimitada de E-mail

Caixa de Entrada Unificada

Rotação de Remetente

Imagens Personalizadas e Mensagens Curtas

IP Dedicado do Linkedin

Automação de E-mail

Automação do Linkedin

Automação do Twitter

Rotação de Caixa de Entrada

Teste A/B de E-mail

Relatórios Robustos

E-mails Únicos

Suporte a Sintaxe Liquid

Extensão do Chrome

Filtragem e Consulta Avançada

Imagens Personalizadas

Suporte a Spintax

Notificações do Slack em Respostas

Importar Contatos do Hubspot

Escritor de IA GPT-4

Enriquecimento de Leads

Mensagens Curtas

Sequências Condicionais

Casos de uso da Super Send


Automatize o alcance a frio


Execute campanhas externas super eficazes


Envie mensagens dinâmicas usando variáveis


Envie uma campanha de vários endereços de e-mail


Faça teste A/B de assuntos e mensagens


Analise o desempenho da campanha


Envie mensagens únicas e personalizadas


Conecte-se ao Twitter via extensão do Chrome


Filtre e consulte destinatários


Crie imagens dinâmicas usando variáveis


Aumente a entregabilidade com Spintax


Receba notificações do Slack em respostas


Importe contatos do Hubspot


Tenha a IA reescrevendo assuntos e e-mails


Encontre nome, empresa, cargo e e-mail


Gere linhas de introdução personalizadas


Crie sequências complexas


Obtenha uma visão rápida do desempenho da campanha


Faça retargeting com base nas ações dos destinatários


Crie imagens personalizadas de prospectos


Conecte várias contas de envio de e-mail


Gerencie respostas de várias contas

Perguntas frequentes de Super Send

O que é o Super Send?

Como usar o Super Send?

Quais são os planos de preços para o Super Send?

Quais são os recursos principais do Super Send?

Quais são alguns casos de uso do Super Send?

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Preço de Super Send

Bootstrapper (mensal)

$30 por mês

1.000 mensagens enviadas por mês, 2 campanhas, 1 equipe, 2 remetentes de e-mail, 1 membro da equipe, 1 conta social

Startup (mensal)

$50 por mês

5.000 mensagens enviadas por mês, 10 campanhas, 2 equipes, 10 remetentes de e-mail, 5 membros da equipe, contas sociais ilimitadas

Escala (mensal)

$75 por mês

75.000 mensagens enviadas por mês, 25 campanhas, 5 equipes, 50 remetentes de e-mail, 10 membros da equipe, contas sociais ilimitadas

Crescimento (mensal)

$200 por mês

150.000 mensagens enviadas por mês, 100 campanhas, 10 equipes, 100 remetentes de e-mail, 25 membros da equipe, contas sociais ilimitadas

Agência / Empresa (mensal)

Entre em contato

Mensagens flexíveis por mês, campanhas ilimitadas, equipes ilimitadas, remetentes de e-mail ilimitados, usuários ilimitados, contas sociais ilimitadas

Para obter os preços mais recentes, visite este link: https://supersend.io/#pricing

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Bruno Okamoto
Mar 02 2023

Dashboard Overview - SuperSend.io

0:00 So this is meant to be an intro on the Supercent Dashboard. So on the left hand side we can see the team were in CES team more in the campaign tech for sales We can see who the owner is We can see email tracking is on and we can see that the campaign is active. 0:16 We can go into the campaign settings. Yes, see that it's active see who's Sending out so just Julia dot m is sending out for this particular campaign almost all of your campaign settings are in Here including the schedule and the integrations which are on a per campaign basis So back to the dashboard 0:37 . That's kind of that top area This section right here will show you any key information that you need to know to quick glance for instance this particular campaign has a max of 80 emails That it can send in a day. 0:50 So that is actually controlled on the sender's page. So remember we had that Julia dot m So Julia dot m. 0:58 So we have 80 emails per day as a max and in fact That is exactly what we see in the dashboard. 1:04 So for the past several days. We have sent exactly 80 emails So this is really nice just to see Which email justice are sending how many and just a quick graph This also live update. 1:16 So as your campaign is sending you'll see new information in these campaign logs which shows you in Almost excruciating detail exactly what the system is doing on a minute by minute basis. 1:29 So Here's all the emails that were sent out And you can see that so here's a wait step. So You know we paused to space out the emails for a few minutes etc all of that stuff is in your campaign logs and you can click to view All of the rest of the logs for that particular campaign. 1:48 You can filter by any error. So in this case There's no errors for this campaign And those are all the campaign logs. 1:55 So if anything's going wrong You're not sure what's going on with your campaign check your campaign logs Down here we start to get into the stats. 2:02 So we have 449 contacts All of them are verified and we've finished about 5% of them. So in this case 21 have either gone through all the steps in the sequence which as you can see below is not the case Opted out or replied so anytime somebody replies they will stop being sent to so no further emails 2:24 will be sent to So total cents across all of the steps. So in this case We just have a really simple three step email sequence with wait three days in between each email I love campaigns like this. 2:35 They're very simple people just Insane how many people overthink Cold email campaigns when really for us from what we've seen the most important thing is to just start sending Start sending thoughtfully But just start sending immediately and start getting data back. 2:55 So in the campaign stats below you can start to see The completed rate so out of the 449 verified We've sent to 350 For the second step we've sent to 115 and there are 118 in that wait step on the far right hand side over here You can see that we have an a B test here. 3:15 You can see that roughly the a and the B test Are performing the same Relatively speaking so roughly 45% open rates for the B test 48% for the a test And the B test does have a lot higher response rate. 3:32 So that's pretty interesting Leads that have started the sequence today so we control and make sure that new sequence new contacts or new leads Are being sent the very first email in the very first step at least 20% Of however many you can send in a day So in this case we have like 80 that we can send 3:54 80 emails total that we can send in a day And so we always make sure that there's at least a certain number in this case 20% so 16 new leads Better being sent to for the first time. 4:07 The rest of that capacity is dedicated to follow-up So steps to three four and five in our case And if there are no follow-up steps to If there's nothing to do for those follow-up steps Then okay, we go back through and we will send new emails to kind of max out that capacity each day That is the goal 4:26 is to max out that capacity each day So that's why there's 40 leads that started the sequence today. We can see our open-rate click rate balance rates replies A quick link here to sync your email replies. 4:38 So we sync them every hour if you want that to be If you want to sync them right now, you can just click this and wait a minute or two and it'll it'll sync all that for you opt out so any unsubscribes And your email capacity if you do have an A B test. 4:53 So in this case, we have an A and a B We do not have a C or a D test. 4:58 So we do have the ability to do ABC D tests But we do not In this case have a CRADC. 5:04 So you can select the winner. So In this case in a couple days, we might just select B Since that reply rate seems to be a lot better and Even though the number of emails that were sent between them were different And that's because the One of these tests got added at a later time normally there they're 5:22 split quite evenly between the...

Super Send
Apr 19 2023

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Super Send: Automatize o alcance a frio por e-mail, Linkedin e Twitter. Aquecimento ilimitado, validação, caixa de entrada unificada, rotação de remetente, imagens personalizadas e mensagens curtas, e IP dedicado do Linkedin.
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