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Escuta de mídias sociais
Why I stopped taking notes during class⬇️ For me, taking notes shifted my focus away from the actual lecture. So while I would have a bunch of content jotted down, I would walk away from class only comprehending less than half of it. 📝So I started to use Turbolearn.ai. It automatically creates notes, flashcards, and quizzes during lecture for me. ✅This way, I can focus on ACTUALLY learning. ⭐️Work smarter, not harder. If you want more tips on how to leverage your potential, my Mind-Mastery Course has 145+ pages detailing scientifically-proven techniques I use to unlock my subconscious and achieve a 4.0 GPA as a Harvard Pre-med student…link in bio (www.ultimateivyleagueguide.com) ❤️ #harvard #ivyleague #collegeadmission #collegeadmissions #collegeapplications #collegeessay #commonapp #personalstatement #studytips #studyhacks #motivation
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