Fisher AI - Chrome Extension

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An advanced Chrome extension that provides users with concise summaries and supports multi-turn conversations for web content.
Updated Time
Jun 02 2024
Active Users
Browser Extension
Fisher AI AI Chrome Extension Information

What is Fisher AI ai chrome extension?

An advanced Chrome extension that provides users with concise summaries and supports multi-turn conversations for web content.

How to use Fisher AI ai chrome extension?

Install the Chrome extension, customize OpenAI key, and browse any webpage to generate a summary.

Fisher AI ai chrome extension's Core Features

Free and secure with customizable OpenAI key

Intelligent summarization of web content

Efficiency enhancement for reading and understanding information

User-friendly interface for easy usage

Applicable in various scenarios such as academic research, business reports, and daily news

Fisher AI ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Summarizing long articles


Digesting research reports


Understanding daily news quickly

FAQ from Fisher AI

Is Fisher AI free to use?

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