Flomo AI Plugin - Chrome Extension

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Enhance Flomo with free NotionAI-like features.
Updated Time
May 06 2023
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Browser Extension
Flomo AI Plugin AI Chrome Extension Information

What is Flomo AI Plugin ai chrome extension?

A simple plugin based on OpenAI's API for Flomo users without adding any extra UI to the interface. It provides a free 10% NotionAI-like capability. Users can trigger it with specific keywords and commands, enhancing their productivity.

How to use Flomo AI Plugin ai chrome extension?

1. Install the plugin. 2. Get an API key from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys. 3. Visit the Flomo page. 4. Input the API key in the popup window that appears on initial use.

Flomo AI Plugin ai chrome extension's Core Features

Integration with OpenAI's API

Enhanced productivity through AI capabilities

Flomo AI Plugin ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Triggering responses from OpenAI based on user commands


Editing and processing existing text in Flomo

FAQ from Flomo AI Plugin

Is the plugin free to use?

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