Generate realistic and imaginative videos from text instructions
OpenAI, Kimi Chat, 文心一言, Talkie AI, Haiper AI, YesChat, ChatGLM, NovelAI - The AI Storyteller, AI PhotoCaption—Text Generator, Chad AI | ChatGPT на русском are the best paid / free Large Language Models (LLMs) tools.
AI Large Language Models or LLMs are advanced deep learning models for understanding, interpreting, and generating human language. They are part of the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), and are used in machine translation, sentiment analysis, content generation, and many other applications. LLMs can either be trained from scratch or fine-tuned from pre-existing models such as GPT-3 or BERT.
United States
Core Features
How to use
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Sora | Generate realistic and imaginative videos from text instructions | To use Sora, simply provide text instructions describing the scene you want to create, and Sora will generate a video based on your instructions. | |
OpenAI | Pioneering research on the path to AGI | To use OpenAI, you can explore their API platform that offers access to their latest models and guides for safety best practices. You can also join OpenAI in shaping the future of technology by exploring job opportunities in various disciplines and backgrounds. | |
Kimi Chat | Read over 200,000 words in one breath | To use Kimi, simply type or paste the text you want him to read or interact with. You can also provide URLs for him to browse or listen to recordings. | |
文心一言 | Copywriting assistance | Login to access various features like copywriting, idea generation, and Q&A sessions. | |
MidJourney | Advanced image generation using AI models | Sign up or log in to the MidJourney platform, then start creating unique images based on your imagination and inputs. | |
Midjourney | Exploring new mediums of thought | Join the BetaSign InDocumentationShowcase | |
GPTZero | GPTZero offers several core features, including: - AI detection for ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, LLaMa, and other AI models. - Detailed writing reports with statistics, AI content analysis, and video recording of the writing process. - API integration for organizations to incorporate GPTZero's AI detection abilities into their own tools and workflows. - Dashboard for educators, offering a premium model trained specifically for student writing and ed-tech use cases. - Batch file scans to upload and analyze multiple files at once. - Chrome extension (Origin) for seamless AI content detection while browsing the internet. | To use GPTZero, simply paste the text you want to check into the provided field or upload a file in formats like .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt. GPTZero will analyze the text and provide an overall detection result, as well as highlight specific sentences where AI generation is detected. For larger texts and batch file scans, you can sign up for a free account on their Dashboard or download the Chrome extension, Origin, to scan web pages while browsing. | |
Monica - Your ChatGPT AI Assistant Chrome Extension | Chat about anything with Monica | Chat with Monica about anything, anywhere. Let Monica help you create and insert text anywhere on the web page. You can also select text for Monica to explain, translate, and rephrase. | |
Meta AI | Task automation | Simply interact with Meta AI to utilize its features effectively. | |
Talkie AI | Immersive chat experience with dream characters | 1. Create an account on Talkie AI 2. Customize your dream character 3. Initiate conversations and interactions with your dream characters |
AI Spreadsheet
Homework Helper
AI Coaching
AI Knowledge Base
AI Knowledge Graph
AI Tutorial
AI Course
AI Knowledge Management
AI Education Assistant
AI Trip Planner
AI Productivity Tools
AI Task Management
AI Team Collaboration
AI Notes Assistant
AI Workflow Management
AI Project Management
AI Diagram Generator
AI Document Extraction
AI Documents Assistant
AI Files Assistant
AI Recipe Assistant
AI Chatbot
AI Rewriter
AI Accounting Assistant
AI Content Generator
AI Product Description Generator
AI Maps Generator
AI Code Assistant
AI Code Generator
AI Data Mining
AI SQL Query Builder
Research Tool
AI Lead Generation
AI Consulting Assistant
Tax Assistant
Investing Assistant
Sales Assistant
E-commerce Assistant
AI Analytics Assistant
AI SEO Assistant
AI CRM Assistant
Marketing Plan Generator
AI Email Generator
Large Language Models (LLMs)
AI Blog Writer
AI Product Description Generator
AI Content Detector
AI Plagiarism Checker
AI Detector
AI SEO Assistant
E-commerce Assistant
Research Tool
Large Language Models (LLMs)
AI Content Generator
Writing Assistants
AI Rewriter
General Writing
AI Creative Writing
AI Analytics Assistant
AI Repurpose Assistant
AI Image Scanning
AI Cover Generator
AI Banner Generator
AI Wallpaper Generator
AI Poster Generator
AI Illustration Generator
AI Photo & Image Generator
Text to Image
AI Art Generator
AI Design Generator
AI Graphic Design
AI Hashtag Assistant
Marketing Plan Generator
AI Lead Generation
Digital Marketing Generator
LLMs are suitable for businesses and individuals that require natural language processing capabilities. This includes companies in sectors like tech (for chatbots, translation services), marketing and advertising (for content generation), finance (for news analysis), healthcare (for patient interaction), education (for creating adaptive learning systems), and more.
LLMs work by training on large amounts of data, learning the statistical structure of the language. They can translate, paraphrase, complete sentences, generate text, and more, by predicting the next words in a sequence. They transform the input text into numerical representations (embeddings), which are processed through layers of neural networks to generate output.
Powerful comprehension and generation capabilities make AI LLMs indispensable for many natural language processing tasks. They can be customized for specific use cases, are capable of understanding context, and provide human-like text generation, which can improve business efficiency and customer engagement.