is a Strategic Decision Intelligence company that builds human-centric AI. It models how people make choices to answer WHY, WHAT-IF, and HOW-TO questions in consumer markets. The platform provides accurate predictive and prescriptive analytics to help businesses make data-backed strategic decisions.
To use, users can access the platform and explore a plethora of questions related to product launch, product design, product experience, quantify strategy, define strategy, goal optimization, marketing message, pricing, marketing investment, customer churn, touchpoint effectiveness, and promotions. The platform utilizes predictive models and digital consumer twins to offer insights and enable users to experiment with different options and scenarios.
More Contact, visit the contact us page( - Strategic Decision Intelligence for Consumer Market Company name: Motivo Labs EOOD . - Strategic Decision Intelligence for Consumer Market Facebook Link: - Strategic Decision Intelligence for Consumer Market Linkedin Link: - Strategic Decision Intelligence for Consumer Market Twitter Link:
By Eloise on May 22 2024
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Андрей Анев: AI дава възможност за подем на Европа, киборгите са далечна заплаха
Изкуственият интелект може да помага на компаниите да разберат какъв продукт искат клиентите им в този момент, но и значително сваля летвата пред дадена организация да провежда кибератаки или разпространява дезинформациия. Тепърва ще се види как бизнесът, който използва AI, ще намалява риска от него, като бъдещите регулации трябва да се занимаят с източниците и предразсъдъците в тренировъчните данни, цели и начини на употреба. Това коментира Андрей Анев, съосновател на, в ефира на предаването "Бизнес старт" с водещ Христо Николов.
AWE Nite NYC: XR Startups Pitch Preview
AR Enthusiasts, A special pitch event with 4 up and coming XR startups innovating in generative 3D, Workplace Safety, VR for Mental Health, and Decision Intelligence. Meet XR founders from around the world: from Bulgaria, Israel, UK and even Canada! Ori Inbar - (AWE Founder and CEO) welcome notes and intro followed by pitches: Doron Meir (CEO, FLOAT VR) Maya Mateva (CEO, Adib Zaher (CEO, VREE AI) Sanya Rajpal (CEO, AdagioVR) Group Conversation