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ITALIAN GRAMMAR with Examples 124/249 - Giving orders pronouns - Answer me!

*30 useful sentences to master the grammar of Giving orders pronouns in Italian* # Lesson Materials ## Grammar Notes with Interactive Quizzes and Games to Practice Giving orders pronouns ## B1 Level Playlist ## Lesson summary - The affirmative informal imperative in Italian attaches pronouns to the end of the verb, forming a single word, e.g., Credi-mi. - When using double pronouns, both pronouns follow the verb and are attached, e.g., Passa-me-lo. - For one-syllable verbs, pronouns double their consonant, such as Dimmi! for Tell me! - In the negative informal imperative, pronouns can either precede or follow the verb, e.g., Nonmichiamare! or Nonchiamarmi! - Understanding the placement of pronouns is crucial for mastering commands and instructions in Italian. ## Sentences 1. _Portami un caffè, grazie._ Bring me a coffee, thanks. 2. _Cosa aspetti? Diglielo!_ What are you waiting for? Tell him! 3. _Quei soldi sono miei. Dammeli subito!_ That money is mine. Give it to me now! 4. _Non farlo più. Promettimelo!_ Don't do it again. Promise me! 5. _Ti ho fatto una domanda. Rispondimi!_ I asked you a question. Answer me! 6. _Credetemi! Non sono stato io._ Believe me! It wasn't me. 7. _Ti ho mandato un messaggio._ I sent you a message. 8. _Leggilo attentamente._ Read it carefully. 9. _Non so come fare. Pensaci tu!_ I don't know how to do it. You figure it out! 10. _Dove va la frutta? Mettila in frigo._ Where does the fruit go? Put it in the fridge. 11. _Ecco il CD. Ascoltalo in macchina._ Here's the CD. Listen to it in the car. 12. _Ecco il numero di Luigi._ Here is Luigi's number. 13. _Chiamalo e digli tutto._ Call him and tell him everything. 14. _Compralo oggi per avere uno sconto!_ Buy it today to get a discount! 15. _Sono persone interessanti. Invitiamole alla festa!_ They're interesting people. Let's invite them to the party! 16. _Ho capito. Non dirmelo più!_ I get it. Don't tell me again! 17. _Credetemi! Non è colpa mia._ Believe me! It's not my fault. 18. _Spiegamelo ancora una volta._ Explain it to me one more time. 19. _Ecco il DVD. Guardalo a casa._ Here's the DVD. Watch it at home. 20. _Chiamala e raccontale tutto._ Call her and tell her everything. 21. _Sono persone simpatiche. Invitiamole al concerto!_ They're nice people. Let's invite them to the concert! 22. _Portami un tè, per favore._ Bring me a tea, please. 23. _Aspettatemi fuori. Vengo subito._ Wait for me outside. I'll come right away. 24. _Che bella moto! Prestamela solo per oggi._ What a nice motorcycle! Lend it to me just for today. 25. _Leggilo con attenzione._ Read it carefully. 26. _Dove metto la verdura? Mettila nel cestino._ Where should I put the vegetables? Put them in the basket. 27. _È pronta la colazione. Portamela a letto!_ Breakfast is ready. Bring it to me in bed! 28. _Quei bicchieri sono nuovi._ Those glasses are new. 29. _Lavali prima di usarli._ Wash them before using them. 30. _Che bel vestito! Prestamelo solo per oggi._ What a nice dress! Lend it to me just for today. ## How to Take This Lesson Simply put, you need to *repeat everything that you hear in Italian*. Every lesson includes 30 bilingual sentences and is made up of 3 sequences: A, B, and C. Sequence A: 1. listen to a sentence in English 2. hear it in Italian 3. repeat it while you hear it again. Sequence B: 1. listen to a sentence in English 2. say that in Italian during the pause 3. repeat the sentence in Italian while you hear it. * Pro tip: Dont worry if you cant recollect exactly. Try to say something anyway. Sequence C: 1. speak along in Italian # About this Italian grammar course ## What's in this Lesson Welcome to Lesson 124 of our Italian Grammar series designed for (B1) Intermediate learners! In this lesson, you'll practice Italian through our unique *Listen & Repeat* method. We provide you with a series of 30 sentence pairs in Italian and English, allowing you to naturally acquire the language by listening and repeating. 00:00 30 sentences to listen and repeat ## What Makes this Lesson Unique - *Immersive Learning* : Hear 30 useful sentence pairs in Italian and English. - *Simple and Effective* : Just listen and repeat to naturally acquire Italian grammar and vocabulary. - *No Grammar Rules to Memorize* : Learn Italian in context, just like a native speaker. ## What You Will Learn - The natural use of Giving orders pronouns in everyday sentences. - Improve your pronunciation and listening skills. - Build your confidence in speaking Italian fluently. ## About Think In Italian Method Our *Listen & Repeat* approach is designed for effective language acquisition. By repeating real-life sentences, you'll learn how to speak Italian fluently and naturall

Italian Grammar with Examples
Jan 26 2025

ITALIAN GRAMMAR with Examples 122/249 - To say/tell vs. to speak/talk - Lets not talk about politics

*30 useful sentences to master the grammar of To say/tell vs. to speak/talk in Italian* # Lesson Materials ## Grammar Notes with Interactive Quizzes and Games to Practice To say/tell vs. to speak/talk ## B1 Level Playlist ## Lesson summary - Parlare means to speak and focuses on the act of speaking or conversing, rather than the content. - Dire translates to to say and emphasizes the content or message being communicated. - Use parlare for general conversations, discussing topics, or referring to speaking languages. - Employ dire when reporting speech, asking for information, or giving commands. - Common expressions with parlare often relate to casual or sincere communication, while those with dire focus on truthfulness and opinions. ## Sentences 1. _È maleducato parlare con la bocca piena._ It's rude to talk with your mouth full. 2. _Quando gli ho detto il prezzo, il cliente è scappato._ When I told the customer the price, he ran away. 3. _Quando vivevo in Spagna, parlavo bene spagnolo._ When I lived in Spain, I spoke Spanish well. 4. _Perché non pensi mai prima di parlare?_ Why don't you ever think before you speak? 5. _Basta! Non parliamo di politica._ Enough! Let's not talk about politics. 6. _Sto leggendo un romanzo._ I'm reading a novel. 7. _Ah! Di cosa parla?_ Oh! What is it about? 8. _Un avvocato non dice mai la verità._ A lawyer never tells the truth. 9. _I politici parlano senza dire niente._ Politicians talk without saying anything. 10. _Cos'ha detto il dottore?_ What did the doctor say? 11. _Perché non parli con i tuoi genitori?_ Why don't you talk to your parents? 12. _Sono fatti miei._ It's none of your business. 13. _Buongiorno, vorrei parlare con il direttore._ Good morning, I'd like to speak to the director. 14. _È un problema importante._ It's an important issue. 15. _Ne parleremo alla riunione._ We'll talk about it at the meeting. 16. _Puoi dirmi che ore sono?_ Can you tell me what time it is? 17. _Non so cosa dire._ I don't know what to say. 18. _Lei sa sempre cosa dire al momento giusto._ He always knows what to say at the right time. 19. _Vorrei dirti una cosa._ I'd like to tell you something. 20. _Non mi piace parlare in pubblico._ I don't like speaking in public. 21. _Ti posso parlare in privato?_ Can I talk to you in private? 22. _Non è bello parlare con la bocca piena._ It's not nice to talk with your mouth full. 23. _Quando abitavo in Francia, parlavo bene francese._ When I lived in France, I spoke good French. 24. _Puoi parlare più forte, per favore?_ Can you speak louder, please? 25. _Cosa hai detto a Maria quando l'hai vista?_ What did you say to Maria when you saw her? 26. _Non abbiamo avuto tempo di parlare ieri._ We didn't have time to talk yesterday. 27. _Vorrei dirti qualcosa di importante._ I'd like to tell you something important. 28. _Perché parlava così forte al telefono?_ Why was he speaking so loudly on the phone? 29. _Mi piace parlare con te._ I like talking to you. 30. _Eccolo! Parlerà di lavoro tutto il tempo._ There he is! He'll talk about work the whole time. ## How to Take This Lesson Simply put, you need to *repeat everything that you hear in Italian*. Every lesson includes 30 bilingual sentences and is made up of 3 sequences: A, B, and C. Sequence A: 1. listen to a sentence in English 2. hear it in Italian 3. repeat it while you hear it again. Sequence B: 1. listen to a sentence in English 2. say that in Italian during the pause 3. repeat the sentence in Italian while you hear it. * Pro tip: Dont worry if you cant recollect exactly. Try to say something anyway. Sequence C: 1. speak along in Italian # About this Italian grammar course ## What's in this Lesson Welcome to Lesson 122 of our Italian Grammar series designed for (B1) Intermediate learners! In this lesson, you'll practice Italian through our unique *Listen & Repeat* method. We provide you with a series of 30 sentence pairs in Italian and English, allowing you to naturally acquire the language by listening and repeating. 00:00 30 sentences to listen and repeat ## What Makes this Lesson Unique - *Immersive Learning* : Hear 30 useful sentence pairs in Italian and English. - *Simple and Effective* : Just listen and repeat to naturally acquire Italian grammar and vocabulary. - *No Grammar Rules to Memorize* : Learn Italian in context, just like a native speaker. ## What You Will Learn - The natural use of To say/tell vs. to speak/talk in everyday sentences. - Improve your pronunciation and listening skills. - Build your confidence in speaking Italian fluently. ## About Think In Italian Method Our *Listen & Repeat* approach is designed for effective language acquisition. By repeating real-life sentences, you'

Italian Grammar with Examples
Jan 24 2025

ITALIAN GRAMMAR with Examples 121/249 - Someone, something - Theres someone at the door

*30 useful sentences to master the grammar of Someone, something in Italian* # Lesson Materials ## Grammar Notes with Interactive Quizzes and Games to Practice Someone, something ## B1 Level Playlist ## Lesson summary - Indefinite pronouns in Italian include qualcuno (someone), qualcosa (something), nessuno (no one), and niente (nothing). - Qualcuno is used for an undefined quantity of people and has a feminine form qualcuna but no plural. - Nessuno indicates no one and can be used as a subject or object, requiring double negation in negative sentences. - Niente and nulla both mean nothing and are interchangeable, functioning similarly to nessuno. - Placement of indefinite pronouns varies they appear at the beginning of sentences as subjects and after verbs as objects. ## Sentences 1. _Dobbiamo fare il checkin ma non c'è nessuno._ We need to check in but there's no one here. 2. _C'è qualcuno alla porta._ There's someone at the door. 3. _Vado a vedere._ I'll go see. 4. _In questa città non c'è niente da fare la sera._ In this city there's nothing to do in the evening. 5. _Hai messo tutto in valigia?_ Did you put everything in the suitcase? 6. _Dove sei? Manchi solo tu!_ Where are you? You're the only one missing! 7. _Non abbiamo trovato nessun albergo libero._ We didn't find any available hotels. 8. _Abbiamo invitato degli amici ma nessuno è venuto._ We invited friends but no one came. 9. _Ormai nessuno spedisce cartoline._ Nowadays no one sends postcards. 10. _Tutti studiano inglese ma pochi lo sanno parlare._ Everyone studies English but few people can speak it. 11. _Tutti i bagni sono occupati._ All the bathrooms are occupied. 12. _Dovrò aspettare._ I'll have to wait. 13. _Tutti i bambini amano giocare._ All children love to play. 14. _Ci sarà qualche autobus che va all'aeroporto, no?_ There must be some bus that goes to the airport, right? 15. _Nessuno conosce questo segreto._ No one knows this secret. 16. _In questo paese non c'è niente di interessante._ In this country there's nothing of interest. 17. _Qualcuno ti ha mandato una lettera._ Someone sent you a letter. 18. _Ormai nessuno manda lettere._ Nowadays nobody sends letters. 19. _Tutti i posti sono occupati._ All the seats are taken. 20. _Non tutti amano lo sport._ Not everyone likes sports. 21. _Non voglio vedere nessuno._ I don't want to see anyone. 22. _C'è qualcuno alla reception?_ Is there anyone at reception? 23. _Tutti a tavola per cena!_ Everyone sit at the table for dinner! 24. _Non ho visto nessuno in giardino._ I didn't see anyone in the garden. 25. _Qualcuno ti ha lasciato un messaggio._ Someone left you a message. 26. _Nessuno può farlo meglio di te._ No one can do it better than you. 27. _Posso lasciare un messaggio a qualcuno?_ Can I leave a message for someone? 28. _Ci sarà qualche treno che va a Firenze!_ There must be some train that goes to Florence! 29. _C'è qualcuno in casa?_ Is there anyone home? 30. _Non troveremo nessuno alla reception._ We won't find anyone at the reception. ## How to Take This Lesson Simply put, you need to *repeat everything that you hear in Italian*. Every lesson includes 30 bilingual sentences and is made up of 3 sequences: A, B, and C. Sequence A: 1. listen to a sentence in English 2. hear it in Italian 3. repeat it while you hear it again. Sequence B: 1. listen to a sentence in English 2. say that in Italian during the pause 3. repeat the sentence in Italian while you hear it. * Pro tip: Dont worry if you cant recollect exactly. Try to say something anyway. Sequence C: 1. speak along in Italian # About this Italian grammar course ## What's in this Lesson Welcome to Lesson 121 of our Italian Grammar series designed for (B1) Intermediate learners! In this lesson, you'll practice Italian through our unique *Listen & Repeat* method. We provide you with a series of 30 sentence pairs in Italian and English, allowing you to naturally acquire the language by listening and repeating. 00:00 30 sentences to listen and repeat ## What Makes this Lesson Unique - *Immersive Learning* : Hear 30 useful sentence pairs in Italian and English. - *Simple and Effective* : Just listen and repeat to naturally acquire Italian grammar and vocabulary. - *No Grammar Rules to Memorize* : Learn Italian in context, just like a native speaker. ## What You Will Learn - The natural use of Someone, something in everyday sentences. - Improve your pronunciation and listening skills. - Build your confidence in speaking Italian fluently. ## About Think In Italian Method Our *Listen & Repeat* approach is designed for effective language acquisition. By repeating real-life sentences, you'll learn how to speak Italian fluently and natural

Italian Grammar with Examples
Jan 23 2025

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