Olli 是一個由 AI 驅動的平台,允許用戶使用 AI 命令為其團隊或客戶建立互動式數據應用程式。它提供了一種解鎖洞察力和優化決策的簡單方法。
要使用 Olli,首先註冊一個帳戶。登錄後,您可以使用 AI 命令或編寫 SQL 查詢來開始構建數據應用程式。Olli 高度可定制,允許您創建組件和可視化工具。應用程式可以共享或嵌入到任何地方以便輕鬆訪問。
以下是客戶服務的 Olli - AI 驅動的數據應用程式 支援電子郵件:sean@govdash.com 。 更多聯絡資訊,請訪問聯絡我們頁面(https://govdash.com/contact)
Olli - AI 驅動的數據應用程式 公司名稱:Realize, Inc 。
Olli - AI 驅動的數據應用程式登入連結:https://dashboard.govdash.com/login
Olli - AI 驅動的數據應用程式 Linkedin連結:https://www.linkedin.com/company/govdash/
Olli - AI 驅動的數據應用程式 Twitter連結:https://twitter.com/govdash
AI tools to know if you're going to jail
AI tools to know if you're going to jail In this video we review 3 useful AI tools - https://www.olli.ai/ It’s like a one stop shop for all things data. It’s like you just hired a data person at your company. You can automatically locate data, generate insights and dashboards, share info with other people on your team and much much more. https://www.aitax.com AI tax uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to prepare and file your taxes. They are saying it eliminates the risk of human error and missed opportunities which is super interesting because it then guarantees you will end up paying the lowest amount of tax legally possible. https://legalesedecoder.com/ It’s designed to take a legal document as input and output a version of the document that is written in plain english that you and I can understand. What they do is they analyze the structure and content of the legal document and their AI model can identify key terms and legal concepts to extrapolate what it all means #ai #artificialintelligence #chatgpt Let me buy you a coffee: https://cash.app/app/GGFWVVG 0:00 - 1:45 Tool #1 1:46 - 3:07 Tool #2 3:08 - Tool #3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Links: https://stanwith.me/wallstreetstonks 🤝 Subscribe to the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQzgD57mNRRippP9-mL6VNw?sub_confirmation=1 🐦 Stay up to Date - Follow the Twitter: https://twitter.com/WallStStonks ❤️️ Become a YouTube Channel Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQzgD57mNRRippP9-mL6VNw/join 👕 Merch: http://www.wallstreetstonks.com/ 🎥 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@youngbuffett ___________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: These videos are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this video should be taken as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any type of security or investment. Consult with a professional financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Any mention of past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Nothing I say should be taken as financial advice as I am very clearly not a financial advisor. Everything I talk about and show are my own opinions. The links in my description may be affiliate links, meaning I get paid when you click and sign up. Some of the links may offer free stocks, that means I get a free stock and you get a free stock when you sign up.
Unlock the Power of Data with Olli.ai: The Platform That Makes Data Analysis Easy for Everyone! #ai
In today’s data-driven world, businesses need to be able to access and extract insights from data quickly and efficiently. That’s where Olli.ai comes in. This company provides tools that make working with data as easy as having a conversation with a colleague. With Olli.ai, teams can quickly and easily extract insights from data, without needing to have a deep understanding of data analytics or programming. The company’s products are designed to simplify the process of working with data, making it accessible to everyone. Olli.ai’s vision is to democratize data and make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of expertise. The company is backed by major investors who share this vision and believe in the power of data to transform businesses and industries. #DataDemocratization #EasyDataAccess #EfficientDataAnalysis #ForTeams #ForBusinesses #ForDataDrivenIndustries #ExtractInsights #SaveTime #MajorInvestorsSupport