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Lắng nghe mạng xã hội
AI Learns To Swing Like Spiderman
J Jonah Jellynose suspects Spiderman is an AI. Captain Blubber is arrested twice. A phone screen is smashed. What is happening 0:00 Intro 0:30 Basics 1:30 States, Actions and Rewards 2:45 Discount Factor 4:09 Neural Networks 5:59 PPO 7:03 Policy Gradient 9:54 Clamping the Policy 10:34 What the AI Learned 13:05 Just Swinging White paper on how to create an AI like this from scratch: Download this AI: Discord: Reddit: Twitch: Useful Links:
The Joestars Sing Their Own Openings [AI Covers]
like the title says, this video consists of all the JoJo openings but sung by the main Joestar(s) of that respective part TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Jonathan Joestar sings Sono Chi no Sadame 1:31 - Joseph Joestar sings Bloody Stream 3:02 - Jotaro Kujo sings STAND PROUD 4:33 - Jotaro Kujo sings Sono Chi no Kioku ~end of THE WORLD~ (feat. Joseph Joestar) 6:04 - Josuke Higashikata sings CRAZY NOISY BIZARRE TOWN 7:20 - Josuke Higashikata sings Chase 8:34 - Josuke Higashikata sings Great Days (feat. Jotaro Kujo) 9:58 - Giorno Giovanna sings Fighting Gold 11:28 - Giorno Giovanna sings Traitor's Requiem 13:01 - Jolyne Cujoh sings Stone Ocean 14:31 - Jolyne Cujoh sings Heaven's Falling Down Made with RVC V2 with crepe and Kits AI Credit to @NeobraneEffect for the creditless, 4K60FPS JoJo Openings Voice Models Jonathan Joestar: trained by @nicegame and dataset provided by @DJ Chidow on discord Joseph Joestar: (Young) trained by @Dereos on discord (Old) Made by @Vladyslav_Havr on discord Jotaro Kujo: trained by @ExactlerFSilent on discord Josuke Higashikata: dataset provided by @DJ Chidow & trained and tested by @nicegame on discord Giorno Giovanna: trained by @COCONUT on discord Jolyne Cujoh: dataset by @DJ Chidow & trained and tested by @nicegame on discord
Gib deinem Logo eine ganz neue Perspektive! ✨ Probiere es auf aus. #supportyou #logodesign #ai #webdesign #logo @Philip Rylski | Webdesigner
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