Transmonkey offers online AI translation across all file formats, with support for over 130 languages. Whether it's documents, videos, images, or audio, Transmonkey delivers fast and accurate translation services, powered by the latest large language model.
To translate your files, simply visit the Transmonkey website, upload the document, select the original and target languages, and then download the translated version once the translation is complete.
Here is the Transmonkey support email for customer service: [email protected] . More Contact, visit the contact us page(
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More about Transmonkey, Please visit the about us page().
Transmonkey Pricing Link:
$0 /month
Images translation 3 times
Pay as you go
$5.0 /200 credits
Translation access for documents, images, and videos, each using varying credits
$99 /year
Unlimited translation of videos, images, and documents
$12.0 /month
Unlimited translation of videos, images, and documents
For the latest pricing, please visit this link:
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