Glassix es una sofisticada plataforma de mensajería unificada impulsada por IA diseñada para agilizar las conversaciones con los clientes en todos los canales digitales, incluyendo aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea, SMS, correo electrónico, chat en vivo y redes sociales.
Administre todas sus conversaciones comerciales desde Glassix. Un buzón unificado en todos los canales y chatbots. Asigne dinámicamente las conversaciones a agentes qualificados y personalice las reglas de enrutamiento para ofrecer un triaje eficaz a gran escala. Mantenga la continuidad de las conversaciones en todos los canales y departamentos para una experiencia omnicanal completa. Comparta videos, imágenes, notas de voz, documentos digitalmente firmados y más. Aproveche el constructor visual de chatbots de Glassix para diseñar flujos automatizados junto con la IA conversacional y despliegue simultáneamente en todos los canales con un solo clic.
Glassix Nombre de la empresa: Glassix .
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Consist Software Solutions - Overview
About Consist Consist in Israel is part of the Consist Software Solution Worldwide Group, a leading High-tech company which was founded in 1972. The Group operates through offices and development centers in Israel, Germany, Spain, South America, Mexico, and the United States. In Israel, the Consist Group operates since 1990, employs more than 400 computer professionals and operates in four locations throughout Israel. Consist customers in Israel include leading companies in nearly all sectors of the economy: banks and financial institutions, insurance companies, energy companies, healthcare centers, retail and supermarket chains, dozens of government offices and municipalities, e-commerce companies, pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions and many more. The software and IT solutions covered by Consist include: - Consist Gem - Fintech systems for the financial sector; - PB Digital - Output Management Systems and Smart digital Forms system - GLASSIX - Omnichannel Customer Communication and AI BOT system: - NAGIX - Accessible Documents Solution; Enables organizations - banks, insurance companies, communication companies, and others - to transform huge volumes of documents into UA-compliant PDFs - automatically, and comply with the principle of inclusion in accessibility - Doxi - Digital Signature System Solution; - SysAid - ITSM and Enterprise Management Systems solutions; - Doxi VR - A Virtual Customer Service Rooms Solution; - Smart AI Chat bot and Voice BOT solutions; - WYZE - Knowledge Management Systems; - QLeader - Smart appointment scheduling system; - Sendix- a WhatsApp Campaign Management System; - Ekran - An insider threat protection system using user Monitoring & recording system, PAM & more - Consist Cloud - Cloud services and business continuity solutions; - Data Security and Cyber Protection products and systems; - IT infrastructure solutions and much more. For more information, please contact: 972-544-598701