es un equipo de expertos dedicados especializados en aprendizaje automático, aprendizaje profundo y ciencia de datos, con un fuerte enfoque en tecnologías de procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP). Desarrollan e implementan soluciones de inteligencia artificial, especialmente en las áreas de chatbots, bases de conocimiento y agentes virtuales impulsados por IA.
Para usar, puedes contactarlos a través de su sitio web o por correo electrónico para discutir tus requerimientos específicos y necesidades empresariales. Luego, ellos te asesorarán y desarrollarán un plan personalizado para tu proyecto de IA. Una vez que el plan esté finalizado, su equipo se encargará del proyecto, desde la idea hasta la implementación y el mantenimiento, ofreciendo soluciones de IA adaptadas a tu negocio.
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💬 ChatBots & GenAI with Sergei Timshin Co Founder
- [00:00]( 🎙️ Sergei Timshin is the co-founder of, an AI development company focused mainly on NLP technologies. - [01:21]( 💬 develops solutions for customer service automation, including chatbots and other NLP applications. - [02:01]( 🌍 Sergei has lived in North America for the past seven years, has taken part in protests against the Russian regime, and has team members from various countries, including ones who left Russia for political reasons. - [03:37]( 🤝 Sergei emphasizes the importance of dialogue and communication between different nations and CEOs, even during political tensions. - [05:25]( 🤖 90% of's clients seek customer service automation, especially e-commerce and healthcare sectors. The remaining 10% require chatbots for internal knowledge bases. - [11:21]( 🛠️ Chatbots can be built quickly and can continuously be improved over time. - [11:33]( 💰 A basic chatbot solution can be constructed in two months for around $10,000. - [12:12]( 🏢 Larger companies may charge around $30,000 per month for chatbot services, but smaller companies like Sergei's offer more affordable options. - [12:51]( 🤝 Sergei's company offers competitive pricing to build their portfolio and attract clients, potentially even personalizing a GPT for individual clients. - [13:20]( 🌐 To learn more about Sergei's work and his company, visit