Running Alpaca-LoRA on Windows with Docker and WSL2!

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Running Alpaca-LoRA on Windows with Docker and WSL2!

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Cloning the Repository
  • Building the Project
  • Running the Project
  • Accessing the Localhost
  • Troubleshooting and Common Issues
  • Running on GPU vs CPU
  • Setting Up the Ubuntu Instance
  • Updating WSL and Docker Desktop
  • Conclusion


In this article, we'll guide You on how to run Alpacalora on Windows. We'll cover the step-by-step process, including cloning the repository, building the project, and running it on your machine. We'll also address common issues and provide troubleshooting tips. Additionally, we'll explore the option of running Alpacalora on GPU or CPU and explain how to set up the Ubuntu instance. So, let's get started!

Cloning the Repository

First, we need to clone the Alpacalora repository. To do this, you will need the HTTPS address of the repository. Open your terminal and execute the git clone command followed by the HTTPS address. This will fetch the repository files to your local machine.

Building the Project

After cloning the repository, navigate to the project directory using the cd command. Once inside the directory, run the Docker build -t alpacalora . command to build the project. Note that the first build may take several minutes, as it needs to download all the necessary information and cache it.

Running the Project

Once the project is built successfully, we can proceed to run it. Open the repository in your code editor and make sure the command is formatted on a single line. Copy the command, return to your terminal, paste it in, and execute it. This command will start running Alpacalora on your local machine.

Accessing the Localhost

To access the running project, open your browser and navigate to localhost:7860. This is the default port mapping that Alpacalora uses. Once you reach the localhost, you can start using Alpacalora.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the process, here are a few troubleshooting steps:

  1. Make sure you are using Ubuntu as your distribution.
  2. Check that you have WSL 2 installed, and set it as the default version.
  3. Update your WSL and Docker Desktop to the latest versions.
  4. Verify that you are using the WSL-Based engine in Docker Desktop.
  5. Enable WSL integration in Docker Desktop settings.

Running on GPU vs CPU

By default, Alpacalora runs on GPU for better performance. However, if you don't have a GPU with enough memory, we provide instructions for running it on CPU using the Llama C++ project.

Setting Up the Ubuntu Instance

If you haven't already installed Ubuntu as your WSL distribution, use the command wsl --install -d Ubuntu-18.04 to install it. Make sure to toggle to the Ubuntu instance using the wsl --set-version command.

Updating WSL and Docker Desktop

To ensure you have the latest updates, use the commands wsl --set-default-version and wsl --update. Additionally, make sure Docker Desktop is using the WSL-based engine and enable integration with the default WSL distro.


Running Alpacalora on Windows may seem complicated, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up and run the project. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and ensure your system meets the requirements for GPU usage. With Alpacalora up and running, you can begin generating interesting Prompts and explore the world of AI-powered text generation. Enjoy!

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