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소셜 리스닝
Getting Started with Google Summer of Code - Shashank Kirtania (GSoC'22, PyMC) | Gupshup Episode #2
In this video, Shashank Kirtania (GSoC'22, PyMC) and Harsh (Founder, getdevkit.com) discuss about: - Application Process for GSoC - Contributions to Open-source before applying - Submitting project proposals - Timeline of a project - Mentors and Community - Shashank’s experience with his GSoC project - His Future Plans Connect with Shashank Kirtania here: https://linkedin.com/in/shashank-kirtania-83835b129 Connect with Harsh Agrawal here: https://linkedin.com/in/itsharshag We at DevKit, are building a collection of AI-powered tools to help developers save tens of hours every week. Check us out at https://getdevkit.com
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