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소셜 리스닝
الذكاء الاصطناعي عنده عدد كبير من الادوات 👍 Edenai.co #موقع #viral #fyp #explore #بي_سي #كمبيوتر #شرح #مشكلة #شاتجبت #الذكاء_الاصطناعي #pc
How To Generate Instagram Posts With Airtable, OpenAI, Make and Stable Diffusion (No-Code)
Unlock the power of no-code AI tools to supercharge your Instagram game! 🚀 🚀 Sign up for AI Accelerator: https://samyn.co/ai-accelerator You'll learn how to save hours or even days of work each week, by using AI and other cutting-edge tools in your business. We'll work together in groups, live, so you can see each others' use cases and we make sure you're up to speed. 🛠️ Tools Used ⇥ Airtable (Database): https://to.samyn.co/airtable ⇥ Make (Workflow Automation): https://to.samyn.co/make ⇥ OpenAI (text generation): https://platform.openai.com/overview ⇥ EdenAI (AI Integrations, image generation): https://www.edenai.co/ ⇥ Placid (image coposition): https://placid.app 🌐 Follow me across the internet ⇥ https://samyn.co ⇥ https://twitter.com/marcelsamyn ⇥ https://instagram.com/marcel.samyn In this hands-on tutorial, we explore how to automate the creation of captivating Instagram posts using a fantastic array of tools: Airtable, OpenAI (GPT-3/ChatGPT), Stable Diffusion AI (EdenAI), and Placid. All in a seamless flow orchestrated by Make, formerly known as Integromat. We start with insightful blog article content in Airtable, then we bring the magic of OpenAI into play to generate engaging quotes or tweet-worthy snippets. Up next, we call on the prowess of Stable Diffusion AI to create alluring background images. Lastly, we merge the quote with the background image via Placid to design eye-catching quote cards ready to grace your Instagram feed. And the best part? This entire process is automated, meaning more time for you to engage with your audience or build your business! This is just a sneak peek into the transformative potential of AI and high-tech tools for your business operations. If you're hungry for more, join me on my weekly calls and webinars where we delve deeper into how to leverage these innovative technologies. Click the link below to sign up and start supercharging your business with AI today! https://samyn.co/ai-accelerator Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more videos on how AI can revolutionize your business. Stay tuned!
ARC Browser: découverte du navigateur boosté à l'IA
Découverte d’un nouveaux navigateur apparu il y a quelques mois et qui est vraiment différent des navigateurs historiques: - Présentation de ARC Browser: interface graphique, liens, favoris, profiles, espace de travail - Possibilité de diviser la fenêtre sur plusieurs page et de conserver le split dans des liens et/ou des favoris - Moteur de recherche avancé permettant notamment de chercher directement dans les sites que vous utilisez le plus souvent - Notes & schémas directement réalisables dans le navigateur - Fonctionnalités d’IA embarquées: renommage automatique des liens & fichiers téléchargés, possibilité de poser des questions à l’IA sur la page affichée à l’écran, intégration de ChatGPT, résumé par IA des liens affichés à l’écran SOMMAIRE 00:00 Introduction 01:15 Présentation 05:20 SplitScreen & navigation 07:54 Moteur de recherche avancé 09:48 Notes & schémas rapides 12:01 IA 14:42 Conclusion Pour voter ou pour proposer des sujets sur la chaîne: https://www.action-agile.com/youtube/vote RESSOURCES - ARC browser: https://arc.net - Action Agile: https://www.action-agile.com - Modèles Notion: https://www.action-agile.com/notion - Notion: https://www.notion.so - Make.com (anciennement integromat): https://www.make.com - Eden AI: https://www.edenai.co/ - Certification: https://certifications.notion.site/Notion-Certified-1680111eddf54cd4be14d8f3fa16efd6 - Notion2Charts: https://notion2charts.com - Flaticon: https://www.flaticon.com - Robolly: https://www.robolly.com - Templates: abonnez-vous à ma newsletter sur https://www.action-agile.com - Sandbox (les pages créées durant les vidéos): https://actionagile.notion.site/Sandbox-3f1d3894939f4d82ba0908ff4e563925 - Progressbar Generator: https://actionagile.notion.site/6843a0428f3749ccbc8021472994c7d1?v=252c1ac72fcc4a51bd85e3bf4b91925d - Mermaid: https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/ - Notion certified: https://www.notion.com/certified - NotionChart.co - NoChart.co
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