Open Source Softphone com Tecnologia de IA orientada a eventos
Aprimore sua experiência de VoIP com o softphone de código aberto mais inteligente. Faça chamadas sem esforço, registre seus eventos e interações, e transfira os dados de chamada para os CRMs e ferramentas de sua preferência.
Escuta de mídias sociais
Agent 008: Event-driven AI Powered Open Source Softphone
Welcome to the future of communications! In this exciting video, we'll take you on a journey through 008 Agent, our revolutionary Open Source Softphone 💥 What makes 008 Agent so special? From being event-driven to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, 008 Agent takes your calls to another level. Explore how open-source functionality and the ability to summarize with embedded models are redefining the way we communicate. Know more at #Softphone #SIP #OpenSource #EventDriven #IApowered